The Dynamics of Rotating Fluids

The Department of Mathematics at UCL hosts a yearly meeting on the theme of the dynamics of rotating fluids. The meeting is usually held in early January on a Friday afternoon. Talks begin at at about 1.30 going through to about 5.00 and are held in Room 505 of the Mathematics Department. Talks are welcomed on any subject to do with rotating fluids and its applications (e.g. experimental data, meteorology, oceanography, astrophysical fluid dynamics, MHD, planetary atmospheres and interiors, exact solutions relevant to rotating flows etc...) Talks of any length (e.g from 10-30 minutes) can be accommodated.
The next meeting will be on January 6, 2012:

1.30pm Boris Galperin (South Florida) "Rossby waves and solitary waves (zonons) in beta-plane turbulence"

1.50pm Roger Grimshaw (Loughborough) ''The reduced Ostrovsky equation: breaking and integrability''

2.10pm Emma Warneford (Oxford) ''Zonal jets on Jupiter as modelled by the quasigeostrophic limit of the thermal shallow water equations''

2.30pm Ziv Kizner (Bar Ilan) ''Stability of point-vortex multipoles revisited''

3.00pm Tea/coffee

3.30pm Vladimir Zeitlin (LMD, Paris) ''Inertial, baroclinic and barotropic intstabilities of the Bickley jet in 2-layer model''

4.0pm Bob Kerr (Warwick) ''Enhanced instability of vertical vortices in a stratified fluid''

4.30 Joss Matthewman (UCL) ''The nonlinear self-tuning resonance theory of stratospheric sudden warmings''

4.50 Yury Stepanyants (Southern Queensland) ''Adiabatic decay of internal solitons due to Earth's rotation within the framework of Gardner-Ostrovsky equation''

5.10 Close

For further details please contact Robb McDonald at .

A history of rotating fluids at UCL...

The mathematics department at UCL has had a long history of hosting meetings on the dynamics of rotating fluids. The first such meeting was held in 1973 and was titled ``Informal meetings on aspects of the dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics of rotating fluids'' and was organised by Keith Stewartson, Andrew Soward, Raymond Hide, David Acheson, Leslie Hocking amongst others. The meetings ran continuously until 1986, with a total of thirty nine meetings being held. A vast range topics were presented during that time, covering, for example, rotational effects in stars to rotational effects in crystal growth. After more than a ten year break, meeting number forty was held in January 1997 and it is noteworthy that two of the speakers at this meeting, Andrew Soward and Raymond Hide were two of the original co-organisers of the meetings.
Links to maps of UCL and the surrounding area can be found on the Mathematics Department Home Page.