-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Chapman
Sent: 21 November 2005 12:20
To: cselondon.com - ps.ic.ac.uk - ucl.com/uclbusiness - grad.ucl.ac.uk
Bcc: (message BCC'd to ~160 UCL graduate students and research staff)
Subject: UCL Graduate School - Science Enterprise Society


As 'alumni' of various UCL/LBS collaborations coordinated through CSEL I am contacting you to gauge your support for the creation of a 'Science Enterprise' Society within the UCL Graduate School.
I would hope that this might emerge as a 'sister' community to the London
Business School Technology and Entrepreneurship clubs - which have indicated their enthusiasm to collaborate more closely with UCL in hosting joint events, workshops etc.
If there is sufficient enthusiasm from graduate students and research staff for this initiative then it may be possible to access funds to support the activity.
I wonder if you would be willing to meet to explore this opportunity.
If so then I would be happy to host an initial meeting at 14:00 on Friday 25th November in the Centre for Enterprise to find out if there is any enthusiasm for this initiative (room 8.18 on the 8th floor of the Malet Place Engineering Building).
Please let me know if you think that this is something worth pursuing and whether you are willing and/or able to attend a meeting to help think this through.
Dave Chapman
Centre for Enterprise and
the Management of Innovation
University College London
W: www.ucl.ac.uk/cemi