Enrico DE VITA

brains, jugglers, surfs, red noses, kites, suns, icicles, lindyhoppers, volcanoes, jumpers, faces...

Recent Stuff (2008)

Ø      The Continuum Concept

Ø      Glenn Doman’s approach at the Institute for Achievement of Human Potentials (also potential methods for Brain Injured Babies)  

  •   Click on Play below to See/Listen to Videos of Giovanni Allevi on YouTube   


'... with my shoes full of feet and my heads full of brains...'

(yes, there's something in there!)


PERSONAL    - ...life is a balancing act... 

· luckily born in Rome, Italy, May 9th, 1973

Some extra-curricular activities (more personal stuff and links here)



 GENERAL (boring!)


Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Ground Floor, Rosenheim Building

25 Grafton Way

London WC1E 6DB

Tel: +44-845-1555000, ext 8449
(Please edit appropriately:) e <dot> devita @ ucl <dot> ac <dot> uk


Some of my Education



Some of my Fellowships


(Please edit appropriately:) e <dot> devita @ ucl <dot> ac <dot> uk- (last revised March 2008)