Forced Migrant's Language Learning


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Allwright, Dick (1998) Learning andTeaching as Well as You Know How: Why is it So Very Difficult?  Lancaster: Centre for Research in Language Education

Ashe, P., Brown, K., Huremovic, D., Olumide, G., Walters,N. (1997) On The Horizon: the Report of the European Union EmploymentHorizon Project  Guildford: University of Surrey

Bandura, A. (1971) Social Learning Theory New York: General Learning Press

Barton, D and Pitt, C (2003) Adult ESOL Pedagogy: a Review of Research London: NRDC

Barton, D., Ivanic, R., Appleby, Y., Hodge, R., Tusting,K. (2004) Adult learners' lives project: setting the scene London: NRDC

Baynham, Mike (2005) NATECLA Conference Keynote Speech on NRDC Research: ESOL Effective Practice (Unpublished)

Blake, V (2003) An Investigation into the Experiences of Refugee Women in Adult Education London: University of East London

Bloch, Alice (2002) The Migration and Settlement of Refugees in Britain Basingstoke: Macmillan. Published online:

Cantor, Jeffrey A. (1992) Delivering instruction to adult learners Toronto: Wall and Emerson

Carey-Wood, J., Duke, K., Karn, V., Marshall, T. (1995) Home Office Research Study 141: The Settlement of Refugees in Britain London: HMSO

Carr-Hill, R., Passingham, S., Wolf, A., Kent, N. (1996) Lost Opportunities: The Language Skills of Linguistic Minorities in England and Wales London: Basic Skills Agency

Castles, S., Korac, M., Vasta, E., Vertovec, S. (2003) Integration: Mapping the Field London: Home Office

Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. (2000) Research Methods in Education London: Taylor and Francis

Davies, Paul (2005) Interim Report: Study of the Impact of the Skills for Life Learning Infrastructure on Learners London: NRDC

Deem, J. and Marshal, W. J.  (1980) 'Teaching Second Language to Indochinese Refugees When No Program Exists' Journal of Reading April 1980 pps. 601-605

DfES (2001) Skills for Life: the National Strategy for Improving Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills London: DfES

Dimitriadou, Anastasia (2003) An Exploration of Refugees' Experiences as English Language Students in Further Education Colleges London: Institute of Education

Ditscheid,  Corinna (2003) 'Against All Odds:Refugee Women and Employment' InExile Issue 27 pps. 14-16

Dudley, Karen and Daisley, Sarah (2005) NATECLA Conference Workshop: Embedding ESOL in Vocational areas; Case Studies from Tower Hamlets College  (Unpublished)

Dumper, Hildegard (2002b) Missed Opportunities: a Skills Audit of Refugee Women in London from the Teaching,Nursing and Medical Professions London: Greater London Authority

Dumper, Hildegard (2002a) Is It Safe Here?Refugee Women's Experiences in the UK London: Refugee Action

Employability Forum (2003) English Spoken Here? Report on a Conference to Review the Teaching of English to Asylum Seekers in the UK London: Employability Forum

Esterhuizen, Lea (2004) Doing Case Studies for the Refuge Sector: a DIY Handbook for Agencies and Practitioners London: ICAR

Griffiths, D (2003) English Language Training for Refugees in London and the Regions London: Home Office

Hall, D (1981) 'Adult Education amongst Vietnamese Refugees'  Adult Education Vol. 54/2 pps. 146-151

Hannon, P et al (2003) Community- Focused provision in Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Language:  an Exploratory Study London:  NRDC

Hoffman, E (1999) 'The New Nomads' In Aciman,A (ed) Letters of Transit: Reflections on Exile, Identity, Language and Loss  New York: The New Press  pps. 35-63

Hollway, W. and Jefferson, T. (2000) Doing Qualitative Research Differently London: Sage

Honey, P. & Mumford, A. (1982) Manual of Learning Styles London: P. Honey

Institute of Volunteering Research (2003) Volunteering for All: Exploring the Link between Volunteering and Social Exclusion   London: Institute for Volunteering Research

Ivanic, R and Tseng, Ming-I Lydia (2005) Understanding the relationships between learning and teaching: and analysis of the contribution of applied linguistics London:  NRDC

Joint Committee for Refugees from Vietnam (1982) English Language for Adults Tutor Training Project: Final Report  London: JCRV

Joly, D. (1996) Haven or Hell?  Asylum Policies and Refugees in Europe Basingstoke: Macmillan

Kleinmann, H.  (1982) 'External Influences and their Neutralization in Second Language Acquisition: A look at Adult Indochinese Refugees' TESOL Quarterly Vol. 16/2

Knight, P. (2002) Small Scale Research London: Sage

Kolb, D.A. (1984) Experiential Learning New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

Krashen, S. (1981) Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning Oxford: Pergamon. Published online:

Krashen, S.  (1982) Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition Oxford: Pergamon

Levin, Ben (2005) 'Connecting Research and Practice' Reflect Vol. 3 pps. 22-23

McDonough, S. H (1999) 'Learner Strategies'   Language Teaching Vol.32/1 pps. 1-18

McQueen, R. and Knussen, C. (2002) Research Methods for Social Science Harlow: Pearson

Meek, Alison (2004) 'I done it, innit! Ali Amasyali's success story' Language Issues Vol.16/2 pps. 13-18

Mellar, H., Kambouri, M., Sanderson, M., Pavlou, V. (2004) ICT and adult literacy, numeracy and ESOL London: NRDC

Miller, N. and Dollard, J. (1941) Social Learning and Imitation New Haven, CT: Yale University Press

Moore, Marianne (2004) 'I May, I Might, I Must' In Benson, Chernaik and Herbert (eds) New Poems on the Underground London: Orion pp 71

Putnam, Robert (2000) Bridging Social Capital;excerpt from Bowling Alone Online: Visited: 10/12/2004

Reder, S (1982) English Language Training and Refugee Settlement: A Summary Minnesota: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

Refugee Women's Association (2003) Annual Report London: Refugee Women's Association

Ritchie, J and Spencer, L (1994) 'Qualitative Data Analysis for Applied Policy Research' In Bryman, A. and Burgess, R. (eds.) Analyzing Qualitative Data London: Routledge

Roberts, C., Baynham, M., Shrubshall, P., Barton, D.,Chopra, P., Cooke, M. Hodge, R., Pitt, K., Schellekens, P.,Wallwce, C.,Whitfield, S. (2004) English for Speakers of Other Languages(ESOL) - Case Studies of Provision, Learners' Needs and Resources London: NRDC

Roden, Jenny (1999) 'Swedish as a Second Language Project for Refugees' Language Issues Vol.11/1 pps. 8-10

Shiferaw, D. and Hagos, H. (2002) Refugees and Progression Routes to Employment London: Refugee Council

Sunderland, H., Dong, H., Yones, R. and Kouakou,K. (2000) 'Personal Refugee Histories' Language Issues Vol.12/1pps. 9-17

Vanegas, Hugo (1998) 'Humanistic task-based language learning and the ESOL learner; towards a truly learner-centred approach'   Language Issues Vol.10/1&2 pps. 21-23 & 22-27

Wolf, A et al (2003) Identifying Effective Workplace Basic Skills Strategies for Enhancing Employee Productivity and Development London:  NRDC

Working Group on English For Speakers of Other Languages (2000) Breaking The Language Barriers London:  Basic Skills Agency

Working Group on Post School Basic Skills (1998) Improving Literacy and Numeracy: A Fresh Start  Basic Skills Agency Online:

Working Lives Research Institute and Refugee Advice and Guidance Unit (2005) Refugee women: from volunteers to employees London: Working Lives Institute

Zahirovic, E (2001) Problematizing Low Acquisition of English among Bosnian Refugees in Lothians London: University of East London