Forced Migrant's Language Learning

"Faisullah learns from everything - all stimuli. He learns a lot on his own, he listens in the street, to the radio, TV. He asks about what he's heard and he reads a lot on his own, news on the internet, newspapers, magazines. He has a very good ear"
(Roberts et al 2004: 24)

Through my experiences as a teacher I became interested in the way that forced migrants use language lessons to achieve their goals; they face many barriers to learning, and have a variety of needs, and formal ESOL classes are just part of a number of tools they use to succeed.

This research asked a small number of forced migrants about their positive experiences of learning English and from this suggests ideas for learning. You can use the links to read the whole dissertation, or look at the findings, or see what else is happening in this area of research. If you want to comment or see other people's comments on my research, or share your learning experiences after reading please visit my Forced Migrants' Learning Blog.