RaMP - Random MP3 Player


I have a large number of mp3s, but I always found myself listening to just a few of them. I tried a couple of random mp3 players, but they all had problems:

Santi Serrano's Random MP3 Player ( http://www-est.fib.upc.es/~f3066273/randplayer.htm ) was small and unobtrusive, but unfortunately it only displayed the filename, not the ID3 tags, and used its own internal player. So nearly perfect, but the filename was the killer, because I name my mp3s Artist/Album/Num. Title so it didn't show the artist. Terrible for listening to new stuff. Shame, because otherwise this probably would have done.

SupaNova MP3 Explorer ( http://www.millstone.demon.co.uk/download/mp3exp.htm ) used winamp to play MP3s (good, so you can use VIS, Streaming, Volume equalisers etc) but it took -ages- to start up since it was mainly an MP3 re-tagger. The interface had loads of bits i didnt want or need, but functionally wise as a random mp3 player, it was pretty good.

Anyway, so I decided to write a program with the best of both worlds. Using winamp to play mp3s, but with a fast small, instant-loading interface. This is what you can download here. It works well, and includes features not available in other products such as a winamp maintained history and the ability to automatically continue playing mp3s when your pre-defined play list runs out. Try it, you'll love it, and its free.




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Unzip and Run! On first run you will need to select the folder where you store your mp3 files. You can leave it running all the time for continuous audio pleasure


v0.1 30th August. first version