
  Now with Snarl Support!  


Pinger is a client/server program that allows the network connectivity of devices to be tested.
It uses ICMP Ping to perform this test. Clients can be run as needed, without affecting server performance.



Run the installer and follow the instructions.

Using Snarl

Install Snarl from Here then tick the option to "Use Snarl for Alerts" in Tools > Options

Running a server

The presence of a file called Hosts.txt determines if Pinger runs in server mode. This file must be present as pinger starts if you want to run in server mode, but it will scan automatically for changes every few minutes. Each host to be pinged should be on its own line in this file (which should be saved in the same folder as the application). Each line should take the form:

host (section;description)

for example: (Testing;My Machine)

Blank lines and lines starting with ; are ignored.

Running as a server will also enable additional options and some additional testing/administration options.

Known Considerations

Personal firewalls will break this!
You must allow NetBIOS Datagram Service and Name Resolution, UDP 137-138 (source and destination) for the Pinger Servers. (It's called "Windows Network Browsing" in F-Secure)


Download Beta 5 here - Released 27/09/09

What's New this version?

+Shows Total Number of items in statusbar.
+FailSilently ini option for scheduled restarts when server dies.
*Settings saved on change rather than quit
*New list sent when available rather than waiting for request.
!Outdated entries cleared from list
!Limited max ping failure count to prevent counter growing too large
!Status change times could be mis-matched after hosts file reload.
!Corrected some NWG specific server names