
Ayele Tarekegn

Tarekegn, A. 1987. ³The History of the Imperial Highway Authority (IHA): 1951-1981², BA Thesis, Department of History, University of Addis Ababa, June 1987.

Tarekegn, A. 1989. ³A Short History of the Monastery Church of Atronsa Maryam (ŒTabernacle of St. Maryı) in Amhara Sayint District in South-Western Wollo Province, Ethiopia², paper read at the Sixth Annual Conference of the Department of History, Addis Ababa University, held at Debre Zeit town between the 3rd and 8th of October 1989 (unpublished).

Tarekegn, A. 1991. ³Continuity in Ethiopian Architecture: ca. 500 BC-AD 1300², Unpublished M.Phil. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (August 1991).

Tarekegn, A. 1996a. ³Aksumite Burial Practices, the ŒGudit Stelae Fieldı (GSF), Aksum, Ethiopia², in Gilbert Pwiti and Robert Soper, Aspects of African Archaeology: Papers from the 10th Congress of the Pan African Association for Prehistory and Related Studies, (Conference Proceedings, 18th and 23rd June 1995) University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare: 611-619.

Tarekegn, A. in press. ³The 1994-1995 Excavations at the Gudit Stelae Field (GSF), Aksum, Ethiopia: Implications for Understanding Aksumite Mortuary Practices², Paper Presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists Held at Poznan in Poland between 3 and 6 September 1996, due to come out in publication in the relevant proceedings.

Tarekegn, A. in press. ³The 1994-1995 Excavations at the ŒGudit Stelae Fieldı (GSF), Aksum, Ethiopia: Implications for Understanding the Mortuary Practices of Aksumite Ethiopia During the First Millennium AD², due to appear in Journal of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1, November 1996.

Tarekegn, A. in prep. ³Continuity and Change in Pre-Aksumite, Aksumite and Zagwean Ethiopian Architecture: circa 500 BC To circa AD 1300².

Tarekegn, A.1997 ³Aksumite Mortuary Practices With Particular Reference To The ŒGudit Stelae Fieldı (GSF), Aksum, Ethiopia, During the First Millennium AD², PhD. Thesis, University of Cambridge.