How to find Jim or anyone else in the Galton Laboratory, Wolfson House, UCL

Jim is in Room 412, Wolfson House. The street address is 4 Stephenson Way, shown in square R-11 at the top of the UCL area map, or at the right bottom corner of the top left grid on this London street map. Stephenson Way is abbreviated on the latter map to "STEPH. WAY", and the small building marked "UCL" is Wolfson House. (The major part of the college is between Gower Street and Gordon Street in the central part of each map.)

Closest Underground (Tube) Stations:

Both stations are 2-5 minutes walk from Wolfson House. If you have been walking for more than 10 minutes, you are lost! Other stations such as King's Cross and Warren Street are also within walking distance; see the London Street map for details.

From airports:

Please report any inaccuracies in these instructions to Jim Mallet.

Good luck.

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