Errata for Mallet & Joron 1999

p. 201, journal details l. 1: delete "200X."

p. 207, l. 19: expression for mean fitness should read "1 – [nk(A)+nk(a)]/N".
    The equation given is mean selection. Figure 1 and the arguments made
        all use the correct expression.

p. 207: delete the capital "X" on the last line.

p. 208, l. 20: for "rare the" read "rare morphs".

p. 212, l. 3: as for p. 207, l. 19.

p. 215, l. 8 from bottom: delete "not".

p. 217, l. 4: delete "Z"

p. 224, l. 8: for "however closely related, species ..."
    read "however, closely related species ...".