
UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy


Visions of Infrastructure

Whether 'soft' or 'hard', 'material' or 'digital', 'green' or 'critical', infrastructure is arguably the most defining feature of the organisation, functioning and wellbeing of modern societies

Infrastructure development is not only a question of engineering, but of governance above all. Yet, despite its pervasive nature and crucial societal role, we know little about infrastructure as a concept and what it means to those designing and building it, let alone those living with and through it.

Furthermore, there is a growing concern that the way in which infrastructure projects are negotiated, designed and implemented is at best outdated and at worst non-democratic, sectorial and predominantly output-driven. For example, the National Infrastructure Commission's adopted vision based on the private-sector authored National Needs Assessment', launched last month, emphasises 'an infrastructure fit for an innovative and productive global trading nation'. Setting economic competitiveness as priority raises serious questions about the relevance, value and purpose of such an infrastructure vision for modern societies.

Therefore, this project will elucidate the various socio-technical roles that infrastructure has come to perform in order to enhance our collective capacity of shaping and intervening in infrastructure governance. Drawing together researchers and practioners from various areas and specialisations will allow this project to map the diverse facets of infrastructure, for example as 'enabler', sustainable development, governance, common good and as creative process. 

The analytic move of understanding infrastructure as key practices of modern societies will expand our insight into the practical challenges to infrastructure and help identify opportunities for intervention in a wider effort of adaptive governance. 

STEaPP contributors

Carolin Kaltofen
Dr Carolin Kaltofen
Principal Investigator
Research Associate, Science Diplomacy 

Cosgrave 2016
Dr Ellie Cosgrave
Deputy Director of the City Leadership Laboratory

Irina Brass
Dr Irina Brass
Research Associate

To 2016
Dr Long Seng To
Research Fellow

Tom Dolan
Dr Tom Dolan
Research Associate

Ine Steenmans
Dr Ine Steenmans
Research Associate, Foresight and Futures

Washbourne 2016
Dr Carla-Leanne Washbourne
Lecturer in Environmental Science and Policy