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week 1 01.05.2003

Tina LaPorta


voyeur_web explores 'liveness' through the medium of the internet
i use the image of the floor plan as both a navigational interface structure, and perhaps more importantly as a way to call attention to the interplay between the public and private spheres which appear to become less and less demarcated
while the home represents a private space and the web a public site; webcams then become a window, or an invitation to look, to gaze upon the everydayness of the inhabitants of these sites. the distance between the watcher and the watched is quite clear, and those who are being watched set the stage for their own exhibitionism-- to be seen is to exist
the floor plan maps the gaze of the voyeur, regardless of whether the cam exists for the gaze of the web surfer or the husband away at work. click on a room and a new window opens a stop-frame image hyperlinked from a live cam. over time, the frame refreshes and glimpses of a body occupying it's own personal space appears on your desktop. repeat views over time reveal new characters, the absence of the main character, a pause of the cam, or a change of it's location
the work itself has a biological aspect, it's embodied. it changes and is alive at this very moment, but will for sure die out when all the cams eventually shut down

A web-specific work which explores our desire for communication, through connection and disconnection, via fluctuations in transmission and reception between geographically separated participants mediated by the surface of the computer screen.

distance in real-time
an audio collage based on responses to a form-based query on on-line identity. This work is included in the exhibition "Sound Art," at Arte Sano Projects : Monterrey, Mexico
A web-specific work which explores our desire for communication, through connection and disconnection, via fluctuations in transmission and reception between geographically separated participants mediated by the surface of the computer screen.
this audio collage is based on responses to a series of questions posed to several students of interactive media. It is a singular, 3 minute time-based work streaming on the candy factory site.
The questions are a query concerning on-line identity, exploring the nature of on-line communication:
* Who are you?
* Is our interaction immediate?
* Are we getting closer, or further apart? * What does distance mean to you?
* Is technology a veil?
* Is the virtual, real?
* Does difference exist in cyberspace?
* where will the body be in the future?

This work combines screen images from CU-See Me reflector sites, text sequences from real-time chat sessions and my Dystopia sound mix which combines audio clips of Christine Nadir, Mark Tribe and Yael Kanerak reflecting on net-based communication. Layers of sound samples from am radio dot-com advertisements fade in and out while the work as a whole has the combined effect of functioning like an extended, self-reflexive conversation taking place in both real and delayed time, mirroring our anxieties regarding on-line communication in an era obsessed with technology.

The conceptual focus of this work is an exploration of the impact the internet has on the expression of identity.
This work combines video taken from cu-see me reflector sites, text extracted from a real-time chat session and sound clips of nyc net.artists reflecting on net-based communication. The work as a whole has the combined effect of functioning like an extended, self-reflexive conversation taking place in both real and delayed time, amongst geographically dispersed participants mediated by the surface of their computer-screens.
Re:mote_corp@REALities is an an on-going exploration regarding on-line communication in an era obsessed with technology.

-- ::: net.art :::
net.works + avatars

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