Camera Movements

What are camera movements? Essentially, they are controlled independent movements of lens or film plane which enable us to form a more usefull image under a particular set of conditions. They enable us, for instance, to increase depth of field over important parts of the subject, change image shape, and use images of subjects well above, below or to the side of the lens. Camera movements offer us all sorts of image controls, from simple square-on views of mirrors without the camera showing, to a complete change in the appar­ent perspective of a building. Here, indeed, is valuable ‘professional magic.’ Read more

Shutter speed and aperture

Controlling the exposure. Both shutter speed and aperture affect the amount of light reaching the film. To get a correctly exposed negative, one that is neither too light nor too dark, you need to find a combination of shutter speed and aperture that will let in the right amount of light for a particular scene and film. PDF: Shutter speed and aperture

Glazes: an introduction

Glazes can be classified into two simple groups, which are earthenware and stoneware. These groups can also be classified by firing ranges for individual glazes. Earthenware glazes mature in the range 950°C to 1190°C, where as stoneware glazes fire in the range 1200-1300°C. Some crossover can occur between the high earthenware and low stoneware temperatures. For ease of selection sub-groups are arranged within these groups based on temperatures ranges. Other methods of grouping are based on colour or finish (e.g gloss, opaque, matt etc) or even speciality (e.g. raku). At Clayman we also include a third large group called Brush-on. Read more