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    Abstract black and white drawing.
    Ram, Marika Tyler-Clark, 2024, charcoal on paper, 1.5 ft x 11 ft

    ©the artist

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    Red and white abstract monotype print.
    Cleft, Marika Tyler-Clark, 2024, monotype, 16.5“ x 23.4”

    ©the artist

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    Abstract black and white drawing.
    Mercurius, Marika Tyler-Clark, 2024, charcoal on paper, 5 x 4 ft

    ©the artist

Marika Tyler-Clark – BA/BFA

My work is fundamentally rooted in drawing, which I understand as a synesthetic fusion between visual perception and tactile, embodied gesture. Primarily using charcoal, ink, oil and monotype, I work in a rhythm of building and erasing marks, on both an intimate and architectural scale. As a violinist, I am drawn to a rich correlation between the vibration and tension of strings and the language of line and tone. Both drawing and musical improvisation necessitate setting the mental and physical parameters for a direct response to frequency and rhythm which bypasses conscious control. Working with film and sound installation gives space for these languages to coalesce.