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Harold Offeh is an artist working in a range of media including: performance, video, photography, learning and social arts practice.

Harold Offeh is an artist working in a range of media including: performance, video, photography, learning and social arts practice.
Venue: Christopher Ingold Building XLG2 Auditorium

Offeh, often employs humour as a means to confront the viewer with historical narratives and contemporary culture and is interested in the space created by the inhabiting or embodying of history. He has exhibited widely in the UK and internationally. In 2017 he exhibited as part of Untitled: art on the conditions of our time at New Art Exchange in Nottingham, UK and Tous, des sangs-mêlés at MAC VAL, Museum of Contemporary Art in Val de Marne, France. In 2017 he’s been Open House residency artist at Kettle's Yard in Cambridge and a summer artist in residence at Wysing Arts Centre. In 2018, forthcoming projects include, a major commission for Nuit Blanche 2018 in Toronto, Canada and a performance for the re-opening exhibition, Actions: The Image of The World Can Be Different, Kettle’s Yard. He studied Critical Fine Art Practice at The University of Brighton and did MA Fine Art at the Royal College of Art. He lives in Cambridge and works in London and Leeds, UK where he is currently a Reader in Fine Art and Leeds Beckett University.