


UCL Centre of César Vallejo Studies (CCVS)

Instituto de Estudios Vallejianos (Filial Londres)

The Centre aims to encourage research on the life and work of the Peruvian poet, César Vallejo (1892-1938), as well as the larger remit of Peruvian literature and culture. Founded at UCL on 6th January 2003, the Centre was inaugurated at Canning House on 30th September 2003 by the then Peruvian Ambassador, Armando Lecaros-de-Cossío.

The founder-director is Professor Stephen M. Hart.

Research Network

The London Centre of César Vallejo Studies operates within a research network consisting of other Institutes such as:

Film Production

The has funded the production of several short films which trace the connections between film, poetry and Latin American culture:

Read Pedros Granados' review: 'Stumbling Between Several Enemies?'


The Centre of César Vallejo Studies has a specialist research library on the work of César Vallejo which may be consulted by UCL students.

Research Project: "St Rose of Lima (1586-1617): A History"

Funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the British Academy (2013-2021), the project's principal aim is to provide a new biography of St Rose of Lima (1586-1617) by drawing on the archives relating to Santa Rosa's beatification and canonisation held at the Vatican and the Archivo Arzobispal in Lima, as well as publish the First and Second Apostolic Processes of the Peruvian saint. For more information see below:

Research Project: "St Rosa of Lima (1586-1617): A History"