Quantum and Atomic Physics

Wave-particle duality (Planck and de Broglie). Uncertainty principle. The Schroedinger equation. Quantum numbers. Structure of atoms. The exclusion principle. Fermions and bosons.


Luminosity, effective temperature, stellar classification, H-R diagram. Thermonuclear fusion. Solar neutrino problem. Outline of stellar evolution. End states of stars - white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes. Supernovae - detection of neutrinos.


Structure of the Milky Way. Hubble Classification scheme, Hubble's Law. Distribution of galaxies in clusters and superclusters. Active galaxies and Quasars.

Condensed-Matter Physics

Interatomic forces. Crystal structures.  Energy bands, band gaps. Nanotechnology and atomic manipulation. Quasiparticles. Superconductors.

Nuclear and Particle Physics

Nuclear binding, fission and fusion. The particle spectrum. The four forces, particle exchange and and Feynman graphs. The standard model - and beyond.

General Relativity

General concepts.  The equivalence principle.  Effects of Relativity, including orbit of Mercury, gravitational lensing of stars and galaxies.


Friedmann models of the Universe - assumptions and solutions. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation including COBE results. Cosmic Nucleosynthesis. Success and failures of the Big Bang Model of the Universe. The Inflationary Universe. Formation of Structure in the Universe and Dark Matter.

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