
UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy


Links and Resources


ORBYTS projects are a partnership between schools and PhD researchers, enabling secondary school pupils to engage with high quality research projects with a PhD researcher as a role model and mentor.

Think Universe!

THINK UNIVERSE! is a revolutionary approach to science learning not seen before in primary schools. It has been successfully piloted with the support from Royal Society school partnership grants. It provides a one-term science foundation lessons for school pupils aged 9-12.

UCL Physics Film Makers

See our short films about physics, made by our students to showcase their research, on our YouTube channel.

Widening Participation Opportunities at UCL

See the UCL website for activities for Years 7-13.

Dr Alexandra Olayo-Castro BBC Mundo Facebook Live interview

Dr Alexandra Olayo-Castro - BBC Mundo

Dr Alexandra Olayo-Castro answered questions about physics as part of a BBC Mundo Facebook Live event on Friday 8 December 2017. 



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