
Rapunzel Syndrome


In the fairytale Rapunzel the wife has an abnormal craving for green shoots called rapunzels. She makes her husband climb a wall into a sorceress' garden to retrieve them.

Pica in cattle

Your name: 
William Beinart

Pica is also the name of a disease found amongst livestock, especially cattle.

Eating chalk (geophagy)

Your name: 
Hannah Still

I have a strong personal recollection of the desire to consume chalk. This desire affected me in primary school, roughly from the age of 7 to 11.

Harmful foreign bodies or material

Your name: 
Stuart Gould

The toy car and clinical history triggered memories of 3 cases in the past with which I had direct contact or knowledge:

Slice of a child's head (licking)


Found this on the bus - 7.45am 16th October.

Pica in cats


Pica: When your pet eats things that aren't food

Metal Eating Man


The attached audio file is a short interview with Linda Francis, who stepped onto the Object Retrieval bus and was reminded of a man she saw 35 years ago, who was, apparently commonly known in the

Pica and Blood Lead in Psychotic Children

Your name: 
Simone Severini

B. E. Oliver, G. O'Gorman, Pica and Blood Lead in Psychotic Children, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, Volume 8 Issue 6, Pages 704-707

Lead poisoning son and pica: a mother's story

Your name: 
Simone Severini

Source: http://www.lead.org.au/q&a/2002/lead-poisoned-son.html

30th October 2002, California USA

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