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Naqada, special finds from various tombs

tomb 723

clay beads
UC 4004
UC 4995

UC 5843 (p16); Baumgartel 1970: XXVIII
UC 5128 (gold wire)
UC 5843
UC 5128

tomb 836
glazed steatite beads
UC 5441
Baumgartel 1970: XXXI; (UC 5444-47: lunates, agate red; UC 5448: lunates, agate, white & brown; UC 5449-50: malachite & resin lumps)

not in the Petrie Museum from this tomb: a copper dagger (Oxford Ashmolean Museum 95.968)
and several other beads (Oxford Ashmolean Museum 95.877)

tomb 1589 (sequence date: 35-50)

UC 5002 glazed steatite beads

UC 5051 (leather fragments)
UC 36091 (wood)



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