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Naqada Tomb T 16, the finds


P11B UC 4352
sherds UC 6209


R67 UC 4350
L7D 4351 (not 9351 as Baumgartel)


stone vessels:

UC 4353
UC 4354


UC 4355
UC 4356



UC 4358
shell forehead pendant, UC 4357


pebbles Copenhagen National Museum 4280-1

a cosmetic palette Bonn inv. no. 328 (20 x 8.5 cm; Regner 1996: 64-65)

UC 5986 (pebble)

Pottery not in the Petrie Museum:

R84 Oxford Ashmolean Museum 95.709 (height: about 31 cm)

P82D Boston Museum of Fine Arts 97.75 (height: about 5.4 cm)


Baumgartel 1970: LXVIII

Further information



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