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Statistics on some domestic animals in Ancient Egypt

(number of bones found in percentage - each block represents 10 %)

(after: Jaritz et al. 2001: 155, table 2)

green - cattle / red - pig / yellow - sheep and goats

Old Kingdom (about 2686-2181 BC)
Elephantine, sebbakh, trench        
Elephantine, necropolis                
Elephantine, tomb chambers                    
Elephantine, South East town                    
Elephantine, South town                    
Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC)
Elephantine, necropolis                    
Tell el-Dab'a, settlement                    
Tell el-Dab'a, tombs, offering pits                    
Elephantine, temple of Satet                    
Qasr el-Sagha, temple                    
Second Intermediate Period
Tell el-Dab'a, tombs, offering pits                    
Tell el-Dab'a, settlement                    
New Kingdom and Late Period
temple of Merenptah, building XII                    
temple of Merenptah, economics part                    
Elephantine, temple of Satet                    
temple of Merenptah, pillar hall                    



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