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Abydos, Tomb O

(only the brick built sub structures survived; subsidiary burials of servants are placed around the tomb.)

Owner: King Djer

Abydos, tomb of king Djer

Petrie 1901: 8-9, pl. LX.
Dreyer 1990: 71-72 (on the re-excavation of the subsidiary tombs)

measurements of the tomb, without subsidiary tombs, about 21.5 x 20 m

Some finds from the tomb in the Petrie Museum

Seal impressions UC 35743-UC 35772 (click on the pictures)

UC 35748
UC 35750
UC 35753
UC 35748, seal impression UC 35750, seal impression UC 35753, seal impression
Kaplony 1963: abb. 175A
Kaplony 1963: abb. 17


Levantine pottery (so called red polished)

UC 17385-90, 17392-99, 17402-403, 17436-437;
some examples:

Petrie 1901: pl. LIV (Petrie correctly identifying the pottery as foreign, but as "Aegean pottery")
Serpico/White 1996 (analysis of the contents of the vessels)

On the question of the origin of the vessels click here for a map of findspots in Egypt and the Levant

UC 17385

UC 17386

UC 17387

UC 17437

UC 17389

UC 17390

black-topped ware
UC 17351m black topped ware UC 17352, black topped ware
UC 17351 (Sowada 1999: 87-89, fig. 1a, pl. XV.1)
from subsidiary burial 23 ? UC 17352 (Sowada 1999: 97-98, fig. 5b, pl. XVII.3)


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