
UCL Medical School


MBBS Degree Certificates

MBBS Degree Certificates

  • Degree certificates are usually issued within three months of the date that the degree is awarded. For MBBS degrees, the date of award is 15th July. 
  • Degree certificates are posted to contact addresses as registered in Portico at the time of issue.  

Queries about your degree certificate and requests for replacement certifications should be directed to:

UCL degrees - email the UCL Examination office at examinations@ucl.ac.uk

This applies to:

  • Most MBBS degrees awarded in and after July 2009 with the exception of a very small number of students who opted to receive a University of London degree between 2009 and 2011
  • All MBBS degrees issued in and after July 2012

University of London degrees - contact the University of London Diploma Production and Dispatch office at diploma.enquiries@london.ac.uk.

This applies to:

  • All MBBS degrees awarded in and before July 2008
  • A very small number of students who opted to receive a University of London degree between 2009 and 2011