


Dept News, January 2017

24 January 2017

1. Recent PhD successes: many congratulations to
(i) Alessandra Crisafi ''Optimal trading and inventory management in electronic markets'' (supervised by Andrea Macrina)
(ii) Matthew Wright ''Teleparallel gravity and its modifications'' (supervised by Christian Boehmer)
(iii) Kevin Liu ''Shallow-water skimming, skipping and rebound problems'' (supervised by Frank Smith)

2. The following new staff have been appointed:
(i) Lecturer in Pure Mathematics: Dr Roger Casals (starting September 2017)
(ii) Lecturer in Applied Mathematics: Dr Iain Smears (starting September 2017)
(iii) Clifford fellow: Dr Ruben Perez Carrasco (starting Feb 2018)

3. Congratulations to Timo Betcke and Erik Burman for their successful EPSRC joint grant with UCL Mechanical Engineering and Cambridge: "Optimising patient specific treatment plans for ultrasound ablative therapies in the abdomen (OptimUS)"

4. Many congratulations to Imre Barany who received a 2016 Szenchenyi Prize awarded to outstanding Hungarian scientists