Visual representation

Please roll your
cursor over the image.

The picture shows an
etching by Philips Galle,
after Maarten
van Heemskerck,

and shows the Triumph
of Time.
It is part of a
series of six, and dates
from the 1560s.

The series is based on
the Trionfi of Petrarch.
These are sonnets in
which Petrarch evokes a
number of forces, each of
which is subsequently
overcome by another,
more powerful force,
until finally Christ,
or Eternity,
remains triumphant.

Each of Philips Galle's
etchings shows one of these
triumphs: Love, Chastity,
Death, Fame, Time,
and Eternity.

The original etchings are in
the Rijksprentenkabinet
(part of the Rijksmuseum)
in Amsterdam. 

Image of etching "Triumph of Time" by Philips Galle
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Access to Core Course Materials

The Access to Core Course Materials Project, which has been running for just over a year, is examining the feasibility of extending current teaching support services provided by the Library to include electronic course materials. It is funded by HEFCE* as part of the Teaching Quality Enhancement Fund (TQEF) initiative and is a joint project between Library Services and Education and Professional Development. So far, the project has involved an evaluation of current teaching support services, including the production of printed study packs and the management of the teaching collection, as well as a detailed needs analysis of academic departments to identify important features of a new service. The project is currently piloting an electronic course materials service to a number of academic departments.
Image of the front page of the Dutch Department's study pack
Image of the front page of the Dutch Department's study pack

Work has been undertaken to produce several experimental electronic study packs, including a multimedia pack, produced for the Dutch Department. This was developed in collaboration with Media Resources and has enabled the production process and costs of this type of initiative to be documented. The pack, which was evaluated by a group of fourth year students, can be viewed at

The project will present recommendations in January 2002 on the feasibility of introducing a full-scale electronic course materials service and the costs and resources involved.

Below: A Multimedia element of the Dutch Department's study pack















*Higher Education Funding Council for England

Content by Dr Jane Secker

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