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Major Service Improvements

The Spring Term has seen the successful installation of a new photocopying service in the following 7 UCL Libraries:
Main Library
Science Library
Cruciform Library
Institute of Archaeology
Environmental Studies
Boldero Library
Royal Free Library

The new service includes the introduction of a photocopier with a dedicated transparency tray in each library and colour photocopiers in both the Main and Science Libraries. A further welcome improvement has been the replacement of the old change machines in the Main and Science Libraries with new modern equivalents. Additional change machines have also been installed in the Environmental Studies Library and the Royal Free Library.

Photograph of the new photocopiers in use
Photograph of the new photocopiers in use
Top & Bottom: The new photocopiers in use

The improved copy quality produced by the new photocopiers has met with universal approval as has the introduction of a re-chargeable copycard. Once the new card has been purchased, the cost of copying drops so that every £1 buys 20 A4 copies as opposed to 15 on the old system. Furthermore, when the new system is networked it will be possible to trace lost cards and retrieve the copycredit, provided the user has recorded the number on the back of their card. Users can also choose to protect their card with a P.I.N.

Photograph of Jan Grannell: one of the staff at the new Photocopying Help Desk

To aid the transfer from the old to the new system, a Photocopy Helpdesk has been set up on the ground floor of the Science Library. The staff there can transfer units from old-style cards to the new cards and can also help with general photocopying queries.

Special arrangements have been made for short-term visitors who, on completion of a form at the Issue Desk, can borrow a card, charge it with the required sum and then return the card to the Issue Desk when they have finished their photocopying.

Jan Grannell: one of the staff at the new Photocopying Help Desk

Future developments will include the addition of further UCL Libraries to the photocopying network plus the ability to use the new copycards in the College Copyshop.

Content by Elizabeth Clear

UCL Home Page >Library Services >Newsletter> Back Issues > Issue 6 > Article

Web page last revised 05 September 2001
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