Henry Moore

Partnership Role

Moore Brothers and Company
Name partner

West India merchant

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. Co-partnership trading at Barbadoes of Henry Moore, Charles Moore, Robert George Barrow and James Henry Donnelly under firm of Moore, Brothers and Company dissolved 9/8/1848


  1. Liverpool June 30 1849 co-partnership between Henry Moore, Charles Moore and Thomas Martin Blythe dissolved as concerns Charles Moore  


  1. Partnership between Charles Moore, Robert Carlyle and George Augustus Vaughan under firm of Charles Moore & Co. Dissolved 1864 so far as concerns George Augustus Vaughan

Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 20876 11/7/1848 p. 2617


  1. London Gazette 20998 13/7/1849 p. 2245


  1. London Gazette 22879 26/7/1864 p. 3730