UCL > Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies
Wertime Iran Survey
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Catalogue :: Sources

The sources consist of texts relating to the Pyrotechnological Survey of 1968. These unpublished and published reports, letters, and field notebooks were collected and cross-referenced with the samples from the survey (Arab, 2003). The written data is furthermore useful to those interested in the geology and pyrotechnology of the regions surveyed during the 1968 expedition, and the broader socio/political aspects of archaeological practice. The textual data is stored, with the artefacts, at the IoA, UCL, and are accessible subject to the Institute of Archaeology’s regulations. The full list of sources is presented here ordered by publication type (e.g. journal article, unpublished report), section (catalogue number), or by author.

The rare unpublished documents relating to the survey are currently being digitised, and will be become available for download on this website in the near future. The PDFs with these documents can be accessed directly from the list below or on the detailed reference page:
:: April 2007: Several of Beno Rothenberg's photographs (code C02) have been scanned and are available for viewing.
:: June 2007: Most of the correspondence of section B has now been added to the website.
:: November 2007: the Geological Survey report (code D02) has been added to the website (15 Mb PDF)

Clicking a source will present the full reference for that sample.

Section A- Received from Professor Pleiner in 2002, preliminary reports and results of analysis undertaken on samples from the 1968 Survey by various members of the expedition.

Section B- Tylecote's notes from the British Museum, including his field note book, letters and documents of interest, received from Dr Paul Craddock in 2002.

Section C- Received from Professor Rothenberg, field note book and photographs from the 1968 survey, and a taped conversation in 2002.

Section D- Received from Fred Klinger the Geological report of the 1968 survey and correspondence in 2003.

Section E- Published reports and articles relating to the survey of 1968 and other investigations of relevance in Iran.

Section F- Correspondence relating to the survey of 1968, with varied peoples in 2002/2003. A copy of the book published by Wertime’s son Richard Wertime.


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University College London - Gower Street - London - WC1E 6BT - Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 2000 - Copyright © 1999-2007 UCL

This page last modified 12 March, 2009 :: © text: Roya Arab :: © coding Xander Veldhuijzen :: This website was supported by the Iran Heritage Foundation (IHF) and the Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies (IAMS).

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