
Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences


DaVinci Surgical Robot at CBH will advance development of Augmented Reality Image Guidance technology

22 June 2018


DaVinciRobot davincisurgery.com/" target="_blank">DaVinci Surgical Robot has recently been moved into the virtual operating theatre in the basement of Charles Bell House (see right). This allows researchers from WEISS and the Division of Surgery to work on an Augmented Reality Image Guidance project to be used within the DaVinci Surgical Robot's stereo viewer. 

The project focuses both on overlaying 3D models, derived from pre-operative imaging, over the endoscopic video within the surgical robot's control console and modifying the video directly to exaggerate otherwise unseen motion from vessel pulsation to help locate vasculature beneath the surface of the anatomy. This system is being developed in the virtual operating room, located in the basement of Charles Bell House, to demonstrate how these concepts could be used during a real procedure. The ambition is to allow for the surgeon to gain "enhanced vision" through the stereo viewer with the combination of these technologies to better guide the surgeon during an operation.

The team, led by Dr Danail Stoyanov, Dr Matthew Clarkson, Dr Ashwin Sridhar and Prof John Kelly, are aiming to translate these developments into the DaVinci Surgical Robots in UCHL, where over 500 robotic prostatectomies are carried out every year.