UNC Librarianship Summerschool 2010
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DIS UNC Librarianship Summer School 17-28 May 2010

(in association with UNC Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Studies)

DIS (the Department of Information Studies) is proud to announce a new summer school programme on librarianship in collaboration with UNC SILS.

The course is organised by Andy Dawson and Vanda Broughton of DIS working collaboratively with Barbara Moran of UNC SILS, and with teaching input from senior staff of DIS and senior UK professionals in the field.

Classroom sessions will be held in the Henry Morley building at UCL in room HM4, unless indicated otherwise. All presentations, whether at UCL or on visits, will leave time for questions and interaction. The ambience will be informal but at the same time conducive to a serious learning experience.

The programme for the Summerschool is as follows:

Sunday 16 May 4pm - walking tour of Bloomsbury from Janet Poole House

Monday 17 May
09.00 - 0930 Welcome coffee and pastries in HM4
09.30 - 10.00 Formal welcome and introduction to the summerschool from Vanda Broughton and Dave Nicholas, Head of DIS
10.00 - 11.00 HUXLEY BUILDING - ID card issuing at Access Systems and coffee break

11.00 - 12.30 LIS education in the UK (Vanda Broughton)
                    Libraries in Britain

12.30 - 13.30 lunch
13.30 - orientation tour of Winston House, followed by talk for students taking the summerschool for credit (Barbara Moran)
17.30 - 19.00 Welcome reception at UCL (Wilkins Building, Haldane Room)

Tuesday 18 May
10.00 - 12.30 WINSTON HOUSE - Libraries in the UK; history, development and resources

Libraries of the early modern period: James Willoughby.
James is a member of the History Faculty at Oxford, and a well known researcher and speaker on English library history

Robert Proctor; the life of a librarian at the British Museum: John Bowman
John Bowman, formerly Programme Director for the MA LIS at DIS, is an authority on cataloguing, and on Greek typography. He is soon to publish a critical edition of the diaries of Robert Proctor. Proctor invented what is known as Proctor order for the arrangement of incunabula, and worked in the Arched Room at the British Museum, which is now the Middle East Departmental Library

13.30 depart (on foot) for visit to the British Library (guided tour will be in TWO groups of 10, commencing from the BL foyer at 14.00 and 14.15)
16.30 return to Winston House for informal talk by Joseph Ripp, Librarian, National Portrait Gallery (and UNC Alumnus)

Wednesday 19 May
Day visit to Oxford

0700 assemble at Baker Street stop to board Oxford Tube coach service

0900 (approx) arrive at Oxford Bus Station, where Vanda Broughton and Anthony Watkinson will collect the group.

09.30 -11.00 Escorted tour of Bodley Library (Bill Clennell)
11.30 - 12.30 Tour of Oxford University Press Museum (Martin Maw)
12.30 - 14.00 local pub for lunch :)
14.00 - 15.00 Visit All Souls College Library and Chapel (Norma Aubertin-Potter)
15.00 - New College, return to London at leisure (coach tickets valid any time)

Thursday 20 May
0930 - 10.00 coffee & biscuits in HM4
Assemble for visit to Royal College of Surgeons, led by Tom Bishop. The RCS is a learned society, it provides the community of UK surgeons with a modern medical library service, and has interesting historic collections. In the same building is the Hunterian Museum, containing the anatomical specimens of John Hunter, which is well worth a visit if we have time.
12.30 - 1.30 lunch
13.45 - assemble at Winston House to depart (on foot) to visit to Anthropology Library at the British Museum (led by Gary Steele, Electronic Services and Systems Librarian)
15.00 - free to explore British Museum or at leisure.

Friday 21 May
9.30 -12.00 WINSTON HOUSE
Digitisation issues (Ben Showers, Claire Warwick)

Ben Showers is the Digitization Programme Manager for JISC, the parent body for information systems infrastructure for UK higher education.
Claire Warwick is a member of staff at DIS, Director of the new Digital Humanities Centre at UCL, and Vice-Dean for Research in the Arts & Humanities Faculty

12.00 - 13.00 lunch
13.00 assemble to travel to Colindale National Newspaper Library (Vanda Broughton , Gaye Ulutas to accompany)
14.00 - 15.30 tour of Colindale
15.30 - return or at leisure

Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 May at leisure.
Monday 24 May
0930 - 10.00 coffee & biscuits in HM4

10.00 - 12.30 Changing roles in LIS: (Vanda Broughton, Chris Batt, Diana Edmonds)

Chris Batt is an independent consultant with a strong interest in the development of public library services. Until 2007, he was chief executive of the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. Chris's presentation

Diana Edmonds is Head of Libraries, Archives and Museums Service in the London Borough of Haringey. She has also had a career as an independent consultant, and as managing director of Instant Library, a library services company. Her leadership helped to bring Haringey libraries out of a period of decline and to establish a modern service culture.

12.30 - 13.30 lunch

13.30 assemble to travel to Ideastore
Ideastore is a new concept in public library service provision, and displays a number of innovative features in library design and facilities. The Idea Store Whitechapel also won a number of awards for public architecture.
14.00 - 15.30 tour of IdeaStore
15.30 - return or at leisure

Tuesday 25 May
0930 - 10.00 coffee & biscuits in HM4, walk to Wellcome Trust reception , 183 Euston Rd
10.00 - 11.30 tour of Wellcome Trust: Danny Rees
11.30 - free to explore Wellcome exhibitions/public collections, or at leisure
Afternoon at leisure

Wednesday 26 May
Day trip to Cambridge

08.00 assemble at Bloomsbury Theatre (UCL) to board minicoach for Cambridge, Vanda Broughton to accompany
10.00 - 12.00 Visit to Scott Polar Research Institute, library and museum.
12.30 - 13.30 lunch at local pub
14.30 - 15.30 Visit to the Wren Library, Trinity College
Walking tour of Cambridge
16.30 - assemble at Queen's Road/Silver Street to board minicoach for return to London
18.30 (approx) arrive in London at UCL

Thursday 27 May
09.00 - 09.30 coffee & biscuits in HM4
09.30 - depart for TNA
11.00 - 12.30 visit to TNA (The National Archive)

12.30 - visit Royal Botanical Gardens, or at leisure
Friday 28 May
09.30 - 10.00 coffee & biscuits in HM4
10.00 depart for Natural History Museum
11.00 - 12.30 visit to Natural History Museum library
The Library is comprised of over one million books with the oldest dating from 1469, 25,000 periodical titles (one third current) and half a million artworks. It also has extensive map, manuscript and photographic collections. The Museum Archives are made up of over one million items relating to the history and work of the Museum.

12.30 - lunch and afternoon at leisure, or remain at NHM or visit V&A or other Kensington museum(s)
18.30 - Farewell dinner and end-of-school presentations at Spaghetti House, Goodge Street
We look forward to welcoming you to DIS and UCL for the Summer School in May!

University College London has recently been ranked as the fourth most important institution of higher education in the world and is known as "London’s global university". DIS is the top-ranked library school in the UK and is home to a number of important reserarch centres such as CIBER (Centre for Information Behaviour and Evaluation of Research), The Centre for Publishing , and the Centre for Digital Humanities. .

UCL website has some original footage of the College immediately after World War II

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