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Resources for the Epistemic Functional Event Calculus (EFEC)

Jiefei Ma, Rob Miller, Leora Morgenstern, Theodore Patkos

Papers and Associated Resources

  1. Reasoning about Knowledge and Action in an Epistemic Event Calculus, Rob Miller, Leora Morgenstern and Theodore Patkos, presented at the Eleventh International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense'13), Cyprus, May 27-29, 2013.
    Associated additional resources: [ presentation ] [ diagram of shopping example models ] [ other entailments for the shopping example ]

  2. An Epistemic Event Calculus for ASP-based Reasoning About Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future, Jiefei Ma, Rob Miller, Leora Morgenstern and Theodore Patkos, presented at the 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-19), Stellenbosch, South Africa,15th-19th December 2013.
    Associated additional resources: [ diagram of shopping example models ] [ other entailments for the shopping example ] [ efec.lp ] [ shopping.lp ] [ test_shopping_example - a UNIX shell script ] [ shopping_example_output.txt - test_shopping_example output ] [ proposition_1_asp_demo - a UNIX shell script ]

Source Code and Test Files

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