
Human Evolution @ UCL


EXPERTS - Human Evolution @ UCL




Contact Details

Ruth Mace

Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology

UCL Dept of Anthropology

  • Tel: 020 7679 8845
  • Ext: 28845
  • r.mace@ucl.ac.uk
  • Room 221, Anthropology, 14 Taviton St, London, WC1H 0BW

Human Evolution Interest

Human Evolution and Behaviour

Evolutionary demography and life history, particularly empirical studies focussing on traditional African populations

Phylogenetic approaches to culture and language evolution, including comparative methods for testing cross-cultural hypotheses, and understanding the origins of kinship, family and social systems

Co-operation and competition, within families and within wider groups

Cultural transmission and the establishment of social norms

Human Evolution Research Themes


Collaborative projects & Networks