
UCL Institute of Health Informatics



The Farr Institute, London is developing a biomedical informatics platform linked across early and late stages of translation, which demonstrates scalability across disease programme areas.

The integration of biomedical informatics (linking primary care, secondary care coded data, and unstructured rich data held in hospital information systems, including imaging) with initiatives in biobanking, imaging, cohorts will facilitate genomics research and experimental medicine.

The Farr Institute, London is working to achieve data linkages, tools for visualisation and interrogation, standard statistical approaches where interrogation of clinical outcomes in relation to drug safety, quality of care, pathways of care over the patient journey becomes an established, high quality, component of clinical research.


The Biostatistics group has considerable experience in the statistical issues that arise in ehealth data analysis. The group is involved in the development and evaluation of e‐health data based around multiple imputation methodology, which addresses issues in record linkage, missing data and measurement error, as well as methods for causal inference. Alongside this, they have considerable experience in multilevel modelling for structured data.


Research into the design of good information systems that will harness clinical knowledge and improve the delivery of health services requires close engagement with everyday health care to develop systems that are to be used and are useful.

The electronic health records (EHRs) team is recognised as one of the leading centres of expertise in information modelling, clinical data specifications and privacy management for EHRs.

Informatics activity within the Farr Institute, London spans all the clinical themes and tackles many of the current technical, clinical, semantic, ethical, organisational and behavioural challenges.