
UCL European Institute


The impact of immigration: fact or fiction?

20 March 2014, 12:00 am

Event Information

Open to


20 March 2014
New research has shown the beneficial impact that immigration has on the UK economy.


20 March 2014, 1.15pm

No registration required


Darwin Lecture Theatre
access via Malet Place
Darwin Building,
Gower Street, WC1E 6BT


Lunch Hour Lecture:

The beliefs people hold about immigration are not necessarily formed on the basis of economic considerations, but on other non-economic concerns and fears. Prof Dustmann will report on his research that quantifies the magnitude of these two channels.

Christian Dustmann: Professor at the Department of Economics, University College London. He is Director of CReAM, the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration, and scientific Director of the Norface programme on migration. He is a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), and a research associate of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).

His main research interests are in population economics (migration, economics of the family), and labour economics (education, wage structures, and earnings mobility), and he has widely published in these areas.