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Change of perspective "$Wa five days seminar cycle on electronic records by the Archiefschool of the NetherlandsH   Ftraditional  lifecycle perspective"$#,  xphases in lifecycle well demarcated functions strictly separated single discipline & specialisation object orientation document tracking & tracing  wait-and-see operating at the back end 6   changing perspective" ~multi discipline & integration process orientation digital documents and contexts  I-can-help-you operating at the front end interwoven with primary process different functions same concerns~ 2 !  -changing perspective for the  new recordkeeping professional = in fact based upon:BU=((lOPost-custodial approach Records continuum paradigm Business process orientationPP>   ^to support the migration from the traditional to the new perspective: five days seminar cycle@GG((d  pedagogical characteristics"tdual learning active learning experience learning anticipation learning collegial (network) learning cyclic learninguu.Q$learning cycle" overview of the seminar cycle"problem & solution approach" cohesion & consistency measures" 6cyclic character problem orientation teachers guide students guide advance organisers control tasks developers project group train-the-trainer program64=,evaluation results"Runderstanding literature lacking facilities on-the-job possibilities of transferSS$0  0"6further innovations / initiatives by the Archiefschool"76$"permanent platform for exchanging experiences interactive problem solution & policy making access to (remote) sources of expertise leading to:6 b8 1#further innovations"^distance learning in open learning space  postcustodial education: time and place independent unraveling pedagogical setting and body of knowledge eventually: wwwebization6     /2345678 9 : ; < =P  ` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd   @@``@n?" dd@  @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>I0 WOX( P X X 6tTH P H k7Klik om het opmaakprofiel van de modeltitel te bewerken8 82 X 0WH  H nKlik om het opmaakprofiel van de modeltekst te bewerken Tweede niveau Derde niveau Vierde niveau Vijfde niveau8  o X 0[H `` H X* X 08]H `  H Z* X 0fH `  H Z*H X 0޽h ? ̙33 Archiefschool1.0 ~(    T3jJjJ ?    v*  hh88  T5jJjJ ? =  x*  hh88p  01 ?B>r V  TYgֳgֳ ?;R  nKlik om het opmaakprofiel van de modeltekst te bewerken Tweede niveau Derde niveau Vierde niveau Vijfde niveau8  o  ZhkjJjJ ?    v*  hh88  ZBjJjJ ? =  x*  hh88H  0gf? ? ̙33   0( X  H  0gf ? ̙33^ %  r(  F  N8Egֳgֳ?0 P` |Thijs LAEVEN, Amsterdam Archiefschool Brussels DLM Forum  99? ?r  S p,HXp H r  S (HXp0   H H  0޽h ? ̙33 % PH0P(   Px P c $EX E x P c $EXpP0  E  P TE1?2X8 $vtowards a new role for the  new recordkeeping professional$< 2;H  hh88H P 0޽h ? ̙33  % 0(@(    # lEgֳgֳ ?X``0  E   # lEgֳgֳ ?X``p E H  0޽h ? ̙33  % 0(P(    # lEgֳgֳ ?X`hp0  E   # lDEgֳgֳ ?X`PP E H  0޽h ? ̙33  % <4`(    3 rEgֳgֳ ?XF4  E   3 rEgֳgֳ ?Xn` E H  0޽h ? ̙33  % F>p( ֳ   # lDEgֳgֳ ?XP  E   # lIEgֳgֳ ?X@  E "8!MH  0޽h ? ̙33   % 0( (     # lHgֳgֳ ?X``  H   # ldHgֳgֳ ?X@ H H  0޽h ? ̙33   % ogx(  x x 3 rSEgֳgֳ ?X``@   E |2 x TԔ?0 P B x ZDԔ?PpB x  `fDp?O( x NE1?\0  (discussion of theory related to practice) 2)$ hh88B x  `MDp? 7pu"  x N\E1? 0   "treatment of cases to apply theory# 2#$  hh88  x NTE1?pP  %preparatory reading: state of the art& 2&hh881  x NE1?   1application on the job to daily practice problems2 22$hh88B  x  `fLDp?s  B  x  `@Dp? [ B x 3 rD1?@ @ 6B x 3 rD1?pp% x  f2Ep?f  orientation0 (2 , hh882 x  ft=Ep?  application off-the-job0(2, hh88 x  `$Ep? !  exploration0 (2 , hh88+ x  `P@Ep? :" application on-the-job0(2, hh88H x 0޽h ? ̙33  % F>0( X 0 0 # lEgֳgֳ ?X^Rr.  E  0 NA ??n X $0e0H 0 0޽h ? ̙33+  % 38?(  8 8 # lTEgֳgֳ ?XXKx  E  %8  `$_Ep?s v helements / aspects of the  problem or risk analysis .5(24H  hh88 &8  `,iEp?_  belements / aspects of the  solution policy paper .2(216hh88 8 aFN? 38zg  *8  `XsE?'    Day 4(2hh88 )8  `<{E?2 >#   Day 3(2hh88 (8  `\E?4< k-   Day 2(2hh88 '8  `?aF7   Day 1(2hh88 +8  ` ? *    Day 4(2hh88 ,8  `d? 5 4&   Day 3(2hh88 -8  ``?* ? a0   Day 2(2hh88 .8  `?W I:   Day 1(2hh88K 08  `?RN? Day 5 = integrated policy paper. (2$hh88B 18 3 rDo? JB 28 3 rDo?* TH 8 0޽h ? ̙33   % 0(H(  H H # lgֳgֳ ?XsMF    H # lgֳgֳ ?Xq  H H 0޽h ? ̙33   % w(  @   3 rgֳgֳ ?XKP      3 rgֳgֳ ?XV      Zgֳgֳ ?Z / d improvements"  E  Tgֳgֳ ?   Sembedding in pedagogic context three parties agreement stronger problem orientationTT6  4H  0޽h ? ̙33   % ZR(    3 rdgֳgֳ ?XKPl;      Hgֳgֳ ?X}  H  0޽h ? ̙33  % ZR(    3 rgֳgֳ ?XKP       Tgֳgֳ ?Xs  H  0޽h ? ̙330 aY4(  4 4  H1 ?B>r  ) 4 # lgֳgֳ ?;R   uYThe main subjects in the course are: DAY 1 = recent developments in archival theory DAY 2 = relation between information science archival theory DAY 3 = ERM and organisation science and business process analysis DAY 4 = legal aspects of ERM DAY 5 = defining strategy, making policy = integation of the above Interacting competencies / interdisciplinary >>> co-operation with other professionals >>> integration in DAY 5 Added value of the recordkeeping professional = safeguarding the interests of (digital) archives and recordkeeping in contact with management and other (information) specialists. %          H 4 0gf ? ̙33 0   <Z (  < <  H1 ?B>r   < # l@gֳgֳ ?;R   zDAY 1 = framework of the course; basic concepts; problem analysis of the field where archival technological organisational perspectives and interests may conflict and should converge DAY 2 = ICT dimension DAY 3 = organisational perspective DAY 4 = requirements of the recordkeeping system DAY 5 = integration >>> strategy and policy making >>> developing a policy paper Every day = confrontation  problem analysis and  solution development interaction between  theory and  daily practice changing perspectives: from monodisciplinary towards interdisciplinary (understanding each others language in order to have influence on the organisation s information startegy from a ERM responsability)H         0#  )H < 0gf ? ̙330 5( @ R  3 B>r    C _;R   C#Report on a two year experience with a dedicated postvocational training on ERM by the Archives School of the Netherlands. AS is the only education (and research) institute in the NL for initial and postvocational training for recordkeeping professionals and archivists on university level.        H  0gf ? ̙33 0 0(  R  3 B>r    C  ;R   &The need for  a new role hence for  a change of perspective is originated by the growing importance and impact of electronic records in the professional activities of the rk professional. A short intensive curriculum for active professionals (post vocational / continuous education) to support the student in his/her migration towards a new professionalism.:     ,  H  0gf ? ̙330 |@(  R  3 B>r    C J;R   " H  0gf ? ̙330 |P( (@0`@ R  3 B>r    C 4*;R   " H  0gf ? ̙330 |`( 6\Wy0y R  3 B>r    C S;R   " H  0gf ? ̙330 |p( 6\Wy0Б R  3 B>r    C $Y;R   " H  0gf ? ̙33z0 :2( 6\Wy0 R  3 B>r  8  C $^;R   DUAL = interaction between  school and  daily practice ACTIVE = the programme challenges students to be active (at school and at the workplace) EXPERIENCE = the programme is rooted in adults professional and social and lerning experience ANTICIPATION = the students learn how to anticipate the mid and long term requirements of ERM COLLEGIAL / NETWORK = building up a network with colleagues to exchange ideas and experiences CYCLIC = refers to next sheet(+  ! &*  H  0gf ? ̙33h 0 (   (  1,1`E` R  3 B>r  &   C  o;R   START can be anywhere, but the course (manual) starts at ORIENTATION. 1) Preparatory reading of articles in the international professional press, manuals, websites 2) Classroom discussion of (new) concepts and consequences 3) In a  safe environment (classroom) the student is presented with well structured cases to see possible solutions in selected but representative contexts - hands on 4) In the  wild environment of the workplace the student is given assignments to apply the new ideas, methods, instruments and concepts, which bring up new questions that are to be answered in the next run of the cycle Depending on their individual learning styles some people may prefer to start elsewhere. In a linear seminar cycle the clockwise route, starting leftside up, is the programmed itinerary. This cycle is very suitable for individual learning. It should be complemented by some kind of network learning among colleagues who are learners at times and teachers at other times. "   %$   " H    %"&   H  0gf ? ̙33 0 G(  R  3 B>r    C ;R   UPROBLEM ORIENTATION = e.g. 1) what requirements are relevant for the selection and the implementation of a documentary information system? 2) how to apply general legislation to my own organisation? 3) how to formulate quality criteria for ERM and how to audit the application? 4) how to implement DLM guidelines? GUIDES = these two have been developed in one movement by the same team ADVANCE ORGANISERS and CONTROL TASKS = refer to the preliminary reading of texts; e.g. 1) abstracts of texts 2) indication of what fragments to read intensively or extensively 3) motivation why a text is relevant 4) questions for self control. PROJECT GROUP = one single team developed all of the five days T-the-T = as the teachers are experts in the subject matter but not necessariliy experienced teachers, and as they are responsible for one day of the programme, they follow a training in activating and interactive learning activities   7     ,  2   ")     H  0gf ? ̙33P 0    (  R  3 B>r     C ;R   rLITERATURE = non Dutch texts and texts not written for pedagogic use >>> improving the introductory notes and (orentation, guiding, control) questions, summaries of texts, highlighting fragments, explaining concepts etc. ON-THE-JOB FACILITIES = although the employer pays for the student to aprticipate, he has no clear idea of what the results of the training may be (impact on the organisation, innovations in ERM) so the student cannot apply new insights in daily practice >>> a three parties agreement between student organisation Archives School stating the commitment to reach each party s objectives (to be made explicit) and the monitoring of the transfer of learning TRANSFER >>> students are to be challenged to bring their ERM problems with them and to take these as a starting point for attending the course  $                   H  0gf ? ̙33"0 ,( \Wy0 R  3 B>r    C ;R   :tPLATFORM = to get rid of the  not made here syndrom and to stimulate exchange between and among practitioners and researchers INTERACTIVE ACCESS = internationalisation, globalisation   H  0gf ? ̙33 #0 n( <@s@ R  3 B>r    C X;R   |LEARNING SPACE = a kind of international  market place where practitioners gather and meet to discuss and to exchange ideas and emerging practices Making learning and developing TIME and PLACE independent. Making a distinction between the body of knowledge (concepts, methods, guidelines, theories & ) which has a development and a deployment of its own at one hand and the learning context which makes the body of knowledge accessible to (formal and informal) learning at the other hand. But also guaranteeing the interaction between the two WWW = includes a platform for the exchange of experiences at a European level >>> E-TERMl*                 H  0gf ? ̙33s\x{XUU}a%1D#x*u$5"8c*ޥ1 &|Rɗ~c_Xa}.ywjV=9^k~۲/S@uQН@r}]]~}z]=݇5暓N8s ԀSC[95ĩ18sj)SSN8)85)}m+ϭ9ԖS$vsP__kdO.Ń90En}e-};OmGş gOtHka|s  ocX{DO񯐟~ u}=nֻ?ckϋ"9H<=KW Nh:FcD_W y6(_ܗk%dM>4+gL1Yy){ʀxbwsݠjLk ׵8>\jJ9nלK |i ھVaoYǟW SڎV[޽.z(wJ׽еFu쁮duV:\BgL5-^֚9RS2c>+'#)yowĘXX{zsO,X:-Vak481rVwk 1zYɟȧȴv?4hPaos8 ceL }ʤAYI_ʉΫ& {wwlkL_tV9< h_ 絭#58b6hype>zs8Dz9~ C.MXL!k$]IŦX# B5P1:j`,|ޚ U0N G! } 1^9ޚ ;Kh6lBNb qxJh̃?fx_,t!߯pu9$RHN y./m 1B?^.歇8o;<rs#Z=Bm_Hr?᭗.@PSӄj>8G._\,Cz+-znƸEh&]XpP 'B֘ oYP#t16Qk3'8&t|hlN(Z28$80BӰϨB=F =nGyn(0BPV(Q(=Pa0!/c>KH~iC9yXmƘrgbayH }u!j1AP]Mu v֛7~+moa/8 ݅ }*t=8Zhf!8Eh9ՇqЏp =c|Zh ,V-B?!C0AzCn`?we}}p#GWlYGbl>'-lmaɍs!Ws\t%g1.u|ķ^)75ѮX;s_(vU\V=i„ܴ+wo.Dٞ)q5vExکs#x zshX Clmcgk#Fr+RnZW1FHr=>u\u8ᐭ rk]rĔαs&ek [Se''I)9ێwmlz7[d{Wk'WȼaPY|m=ӿnrot?==={$^ I'qzwibih0 Oab*Kg zOC3xk5Vsxq_c|Bpw ŭ-2E$9SBM-@G36<Bx a, V 3 4Ph7 P?1)Fh)Zh!sS!Huxo mˣBs?XLBr>Aӄ.䱘Os.q[L.1^FQ)OVXE[>C;a mY+tutDTST/P . }%2zBej,Za)4 7P7Ʋ} i"[ \BM'j6kV`B'm-^-^wsZBE(ڎiڋ.yQgqTo]M_7UtQ 򣕤[R0-FB -0ͧvBBhuZ@tiCBshQH4Rh+tS0M8ڗ:=8w4w+}2ա נa4"lmkB}ѽgE l5b Ea71G9j[r|oQγ8֠ոݻq>Ͷ`~mJVb'9(i,[ 1d =#86J׏X]TtiE }OJknR]||N&\7ap~ ݂z3f1O1EiB|T{x1FXއ=cg} G0Rg?BOc>BkWt-uPAttMqڒNtJhghO N1C#>G\p:h CB#ʄN}F:Siysh\۹kjkl5{Vo][Q_FN ֿKm,.QQk71cj 눷6R:͔nQ-TWB;P [Qߩκ ~]Tb~*NǪBT R 5ZP |=LM:\ jБj iT'ne"QvjuLWBSuBu^UgR=tYǽi烄>"x„TyD wy#4\ 'γuІ*gvPy U*y[k)WW34W$4Wm +|4wBߥs.PKwEBR޽o-:VBL눷NSo}W+k̵xnPn>̭3Cz'=ܛږ{=(]G6Q1(LJsD0[.4q;Hg {B˱vzۙfa> }Ms ;^ó1\'c8=mvHc.!A5_=B gh_:; 5 TcM)J.ҨGR*R+(RB"U*7;z}/Ղwؙoٙv>X]l}WX}Zl}g/ zR_慗Rk_sSmo;.\Nۉwlm|{,:J=GkmR.hmӺJukv\N{1^|?mo{N-e~a^Z+l0Ďm+2t7]C顫(=_Zi?%~JV(]N/HkI| Y$|$l_B|yitR޴oY:4) y\ OVŵQO@|$_5OH@%\ nq 8Evoejc=iNƷ$KdXVTŽb~G͞nNS>1N\5L5}'XMͣΪm||v[߭btYH7|T@1]{m^=`7[]mڂe_ 1ZduD.[C}5jk jg6Y}-X]VO;cٖL24n ~Мʏb(( .).^y e#Ɔ]#SSũ}^ .-[4!i3!{k;fm~{]>v|B,Lq/<{ttlz]HG{JE#ҒD(UX}P +IR4%[D[ ZuCe,sIbfTdfY0$yhPJj"u?I@~b nr-Qɘnj$)zV(lیW;lA*Fop;ŒM { /Hsk B/N;Pr[[,q3 Nj]cx";z79ƯG%G79m4NiĖ#/GSeEK.RĩG~<~7A\o׽8N#hޢ끛tr0|.5 P6=x@EH ]['^Zo |v 9$$jK, r,C0wyuEݚugf.C=Oh+'0P hp  0 < HT\'Change of perspective' Th. 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