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Immigrants in the Netherlands
History of immigration in the Netherlands
Dutch government and the immigrants
Common problems of immigrants
A multicultural crisis?
A prospect for the future
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Books on the Dutch multicultural society: its history, policies and problems

>>For a list of books in Dutch, click here.

Buruma, Ian. 2006. Murder in Amsterdam: the death of Theo van Gogh and the limits of tolerance. New York.

Entzinger Han (ed.). 1994. Immigrant Ethnic Minorities in the Dutch Labour Market. Amsterdam.

Hagendoorn, Louk (ed.). 2003. Integrating Immigrants in the Netherlands: cultural versus socio-economic integration. Aldershot.  

##Lucassen, Jan. 1997. Newcomers: immigrants and their descendants in the Netherlands 1550-1995. Amsterdam.

Penninx, Rinus. 1994. The Impact of International Migration on Receiving Countries: the case of the Netherlands. The Hague.

Reinsch, Peter. 2000. Measuring Immigrant Integration: diversity in a Dutch city. Utrecht.

Scholten, P.W.A. 2008. Constructing Immigrant Policies: research-policy relations and immigrant integration in the Netherlands (1970-2004). Enschede.

Sniderman, Paul and Louk Hagendoorn. 2007. When Ways of Life Collide: multiculturalism and its discontents in the Netherlands. Princeton.

Vermeulen, Hans (ed.). 2000. Immigrant Integration: the Dutch case. Amsterdam.

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