
UCL Dementia



UCL Dementia Seminars

SILK symposium

Talk from Randall Bateman of Washington University on SILK technique (Stable Isotope Labeling Kinetics)

Clearing the Brain symposium, October 2017 

Session 1
Session 2
Intracellular signalling mechanisms underlying memory enhancement

Part of UCL Dementia Seminars- talk by Florian Plattner, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

Intracellular signalling mechanisms underlying memory enhancement

Part of UCL Dementia Seminars- talk from Dr Anthony Fitzpatrick, University of Cambridge

Modeling Alzheimer's Disease

Part of UCL Dementia Seminars- talk by Takaomi Saido, Riken Brain Science Institute, Japan

LWENC Annual Symposium 2017

LWENC Annual Symposium | Immunology 1
LWENC Annual Symposium | Immunology 2
LWENC Annual Symposium | Immunology 3