
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology


Useful Forms

There are a number of forms and protocols that are relevant to different aspects of the course - these can be found within the relevant tab

Clinical Placement - Supervisor & trainee feedback forms
Portfolio of Clinical Experience and Cumulative Training Records
Forms: Trainee Research

Here are some forms related to the Major Research Project. For guidance on which ones to use and how to complete them, please consult the relevant course document, e.g. the Research Governance Checklist. Note that some forms cannot be listed here, either because they need to be completed online on a separate website, or because there's no electronic version available.

Getting started

Research Proposal Form

Risk Assessment Form

Participant Receipt Form

Experts by Experience Consultation Request Form

Consultant Receipt Form


Prior to submission

Thesis Declaration Form

Thesis Submission Extensions Form

Thesis Submission Deferrals Form


Developmental Reviews
Client Consent Forms and Client Feedback Questionnaires
Clinical Reports - Supervisor Confirmation of Clinical Report Details
Forms for Members of Staff

Please note that both the Interruption of Study Form and the Interruption of Study From (Appendix) must be completed

MPR semi structured interview


Clinical Vivas

Maternity Leave (Keeping in Touch/KIT days)