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Project Reports

The following project reports are available on this site.

First progress report - 21 December 2004 (Word, 21KB)

Second interim progress report - 30 September 2005 (Word, 36KB)

Third interim progress report - 27 March 2006 (Word, 528KB)

Final report - 25 September 2006 (Word, 55KB)

Teachers' Reports

German teacher's report - August 2006 (Word, 53KB)

Russian teacher's report - September 2006 (Word, 30KB)

Spanish teacher's report - August 2006 (Word, 39KB)


The Crosscall team has presented the project at a series of conferences both in the UK and abroad.

Cross Sector Computer Assisted Language Learning, presentation at CILT Conference on "Towards a strategy for promoting languages through cross-sector collaboration", Woburn House, London, May 2005

Crossing Boundaries in a CALL Environment, presentation at ALT-C Conference on "Exploring the frontiers of e-learning - borders, outposts and migrations", Manchester, September 2005

CROSSCALL and the Teaching of Languages of the Wider World, presentation at LWW-CETL Seminar Series "I wanted to communicate", SOAS, London, June 2006

Monitoring Cross Sector Language Learner Dialogues, presentation at CALL 2006 Research Conference on "How are we doing? CALL & Monitoring the Learner", Antwerp, Belgium, August 2006

Integrating Cross Sector CALL into School Language Learning Programmes, presentation at EUROCALL 2006 Conference on "Integrating CALL into Study Programmes", Granada, Spain, September 2006