Schrijven 1
  Each month, your local paper asks one of the local residents to write a short piece about themselves, particularly about their work and hobbies.  This month, you have been asked to write such a piece.
Write a short piece (ca. 50 words) in which you tell the readers whether you work, and if so, what you do. Also tell the readers something about your hobbie's. Send your piece to your tutor, via the mailbox.
  Schrijven 2
  You are a student who is taking part in an exchange programme and has recently moved to Rotterdam. Write an e-mail to your mother or an older relative (ca. 50 - 75 words) about your new house. Include the following information:
- where your house is
- how long you have been there
- how many housemates you have
- anything you know about them (their names, nationalities, age, studies)
- whether you like them
- something about your room.

Send your e-mail to your tutor, via the mailbox.
  Schrijven 3

You are doing some research into your family history, and have been looking at the web for inspiration, where you came across the family tree below. It is the family tree of (part of) the Dutch royal family, with a short accompanying piece explaining the various family relations.  The website also contains a downloadable family tree for the website’s visitors own use.

  1. Complete the blank family tree for your own family, and write a piece similar to the one provided for the Dutch royal family.
  2. Send your work to your tutor, via the mailbox.

Stamboom 1 - Voorbeeld


De Nederlandse koninklijke familie

De Nederlandse kroonprins heet Willem-Alexander. Hij is getrouwd met Máxima, een Argentijnse. De ouders van Willem-Alexander heten Beatrix en Claus. Zijn moeder is de koningin van Nederland. De vader en moeder van Máxima heten Jorge en Carmen. Willem-Alexander en Máxima hebben drie dochtertjes: Catharina-Amalia, Alexia en Ariane. Dat zijn zusjes, en zij zijn drie van de kleindochters van koningin Beatrix.

 Stamboom 2 – Jouw familie

Mijn familie

  Schrijven 4
  Write a postcard to a friend of yours in which you include the following:
- ask how s/he is doing, and say how you are
- say how your parents, brothers and or sisters are doing
- give your regards, also your friend's parents, brothers and/or sisters
- include your e-mail address in a PS

Use ca. 50 words. Send your card to your tutor, via the mailbox.