
Department of Greek & Latin


Intertextuality in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica


Friday 18th December 2015
University College London

Valerius Flaccus Argonautkia 1519. By permission of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections


This conference will foster a greater understanding of how Valerius' use of literary allusion enriches his poetic and political agenda. Featuring papers both on individual authors and on overarching issues (such as characters as readers), this event will bring together and advance the latest scholarship on intertextuality in the Argonautica. ​What are the generic implications of Valerius' appropriation of certain texts? What effect does time / chronology have on the reader's understanding of Valerius' use of intertexts (given that, narratively speaking, the action of the Argonautica often takes place prior to that of the texts it echoes)? Alongside very specific case studies, this conference will therefore open up wider questions about memory (chiefly literary memory), reader-response theory and literary interactions.

Speakers include:

Jessica Blum (Yale)
Emma Buckley (St Andrews)
Mark Heerink (Amsterdam)
Darcy Krasne (Missouri)
Helen Lovatt (Nottingham)

  • The conference programme is available here
  • Online registration here

Venue: Wilkins Building, South Wing (Registry): Ground Floor G11

For further information please contact the conference organizers Gesine Manuwald or Bridget England.