
Bentham Project


Additions June 2009

The following additions have been incorporated within the main bibliography but are listed here for convenience.


Albuquerque Freire, Vítor (2009) Panóptico, Vanguardista e Ignorado: O Pavilhão de Segurança do Hospital Miguel Bombarda (Lisbon: Livros Horizonte)

Champs, Emmanuelle de and Jean-Pierre Cléro (eds.) (2009) Bentham et la France: Fortune et infortunes de l'utilitarisme (Oxford: SVEC)

Hofmann, Wilhelm (2002) Politik des aufgeklärten Glücks. Jeremy Benthams philosophisch-politisches Denken [Politics of Enlightened Happiness. Jeremy Bentham's Philosophico-political Thought] (Berlin: Akademie Verlag)

Schofield, Philip (2009) Bentham: A Guide for the Perplexed (London: Continuum) REVIEWS OF BOOKS ON BENTHAM

Champs, Emmanuelle de (2009) "Bentham and Benthamism," History of European Ideas 35: 391-4

Sigot, N. (2009) "Le panoptique des pauvres - Jeremy Bentham et la reforme de l'assistance en Angleterre," European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 16: 380-4


Alvarez-Cuadrado, F. and N. Van Long (2009) "A mixed Bentham-Rawls criterion for intergenerational equity: Theory and implications," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58: 154-68

Burns, J.H. (2009) "Bentham, Brissot and the challenge of revolution," History of European Ideas 35: 217-26

Camcastle, Cara (2008) "Beccaria's luxury of comfort and happiness of the greatest number," Utilitas 20: 1-20

Champs, Emmanuelle de, Malik Bozzo-Rey and Anne Brunon-Ernst (2006) "Traduire Bentham," Traduire les sciences humaines, Tribune Internationale des Langues Vivantes 41

Champs, Emmanuelle de (2006) "Les fonctionnaires dans le Code Constitutionnel: hiérarchie et liberté," Revue d'Etudes Benthamiennes, 1
< http://revue.centrebentham.fr/?page_id=28>24.08.09

Champs, Emmanuelle de (2007) "Bentham en langue française," Jeremy Bentham, la logique du pouvoir, Cahiers critiques de philosophie 4: 141-51

Champs, Emmanuelle de (2008) "Propriété et statut personnel chez Jeremy Bentham," in B. Bachofen (ed.), Le libéralisme au miroir du droit. L'État, la personne, la propriété (Lyon: ENS éditions): 117-43

Crimmins, James E. (2008) "Bentham's Philosophical Politics," in S. Phineas Upham (ed.) The Space of Love and Garbage: and Other Essays from the Harvard Review of Philosophy (Chicago IL: Open Court)

Dobson, Andrew (2008) "Nature (and politics)," Environmental Values 17: 285-302

Gschwend, Lukas and Georg Kramer (2004) "Die rechtshistorische Textexegese: Jeremy Bentham, Eine Einführung in die Prinzipien der Moral und der Gesetzgebung (1789)," ius.full 6: 247-58 <http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/publications/person/G/Lukas_Gschwend/2173...

Hansson, S. O. (2009) "Bentham and the Shoemaker," Theoria (Lund and Copenhagen) 75: 153-55

Leroy, Marie-Laure (2008) "Jeremy Bentham or sympathy for the greatest number," [Jeremy Bentham ou la sympathie pour le plus grand nombre] Revue du MAUSS 31: 122-36

Mathis, Klaus and Deborah Shannon (2009) "Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarianism," in Efficiency Instead of Justice? (Law and Philosophy Library, vol. 84) (Springer: Netherlands) 103-119

Niesen, Peter (2008) "Die Macht der Publizität. Jeremy Benthams Panoptism," in Ralf Krause and Marc Rölli (eds.) Macht: Begriff und Wirkung in der politschen Philosophie der Gegenwart (Bielefeld: Transcript): 221-44

Niesen, Peter (2009) "Tribunal der Zeitungsleser. Bentham über schwache und starke Öffentlichkeiten," in Olaf Asbach (ed.) Von Nutzen des Staates. Das Staatsverständnis des klassischen Utilitarismus: Hume-Bentham-Mill (Baden-Baden: Nomos): 153-82

Nussbaum, Martha C. (2008) "Who is the happy warrior? Philosophy poses questions to psychology," Journal of Legal Studies 37: 81-114

Olivieri, M.(2008) "Anti-Senatica: Bentham e il sistema politico e istituzionale degli Stati Uniti," Pensiero Politico 41: 169-88

Penna, D. (2005) "Some notes on Jeremy Bentham's involvement in Greek legal affairs in the early years of the formation of the Greek State (1821-1824)," Groninger Opmerkingen en Mededelingen XXII 1-19

Peonidis, Filimon (2009) "Bentham and the Greek Revolution: New Evidence," Journal of Bentham Studies 11

Pettit, Philip (2009) "Law and Liberty," in Samantha Besson and Martí José Luis (eds.) Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives 39-60 (Oxford Scholarship Online Monographs)

Plassart, A. (2008) "James Mill's treatment of religion and the History of British India," History of European Ideas 34: 526-34

Soble, A. (2009) "A history of erotic philosophy," Journal of Sex Research 46: 104-120

Sokol, Mary (2009) "Jeremy Bentham on Love and Marriage: A Utilitarian Proposal for Short-Term Marriage," Journal of Legal History 30: 1-21

Struve, Laura (2008) "'This Is No Way to Tell a Story' Robert Browning's Attack on the Law in the Ring and the Book," Law & Literature 20: 423-43