
Institute of Archaeology


MA Research Methods for Archaeology Programme structure

The MA Research Methods for Archaeology is assessed on the basis of a research proposal, a piece of research writing (dissertation) and a portfolio of coursework.

Degree co-ordinator Stephen Shennan 


This degree is assessed on the basis of a research proposal, a piece of research writing (dissertation) and a portfolio of coursework (primarily but not exclusively from the core course elements, see below). Students are also required to give a presentation of their work in the summer term, discussing both the broader (MPhil/PhD) research project and the particular piece of research writing undertaken for the MA. Each of the degree components is described in more detail below.

Research Proposal

Students are asked to prepare a fully documented research proposal for a planned MPhil or PhD, together with a literature survey and a bibliography. A seminar presentation on the proposal must be given.

Research Writing

Students also produce a piece of research writing of c.15,000 words, which is preliminary to the intended PhD or MPhil degree.

Study Skills 

Students acquire a broad range of graduate level study skills by attendance at:

In addition, in order to develop special skills, it may be appropriate for students to attend classes in an ancient or modern language, statistics, computing and/or other undergraduate or graduate courses (subject to availability).