
Institute of Archaeology


Egypt Object Subject

Critical focus on the processes of creation of the object of knowledge as legitimated by, and legitimating, two overlapping contested terrains, archaeology and Egyptology.

Working from a base within a museum 'of Egyptian archaeology' the initial focus is on the Flinders Petrie typological corpora, projected and then published 1880s-1920s, using the archive as the involuntary memory of the disciplines.

A broader framework sets this in the long durations of gift-giving, landscape-living  (including travel) within the Nile Valley in Egypt and out across Africa, into Asia and to Europe. Taking the time-frame 1515 to 1956, historical research is to target and problematise the canonical phases/events of occupation/liberation and colonisation/decolonisation in Egypt as an archaeological landscape in production.

International funding will be sought to allow a team of postdoctoral researchers to probe diagnostic developments along key binary spectra in this history of material circulation: Egyptian/Ottoman Turkish; metropolitan/subaltern; North/South European/Euroamerican; disciplinary/universal.