Corpus Refs:Macalister/1949:1043
Discovery:first mentioned, 1939 Ellis, G.E.
History:Macalister/1949, 176: `A correspondent, Mr. G. E. Ellis of Devonport, has kindly sent me photographs of a cross-base at this place...owing to war conditions I am at present unable to visit the site for a personal examination'.

Okasha/1993, 315: `The stone was first recorded by G. E. Ellis in 1939: `This cross base lies, presumably, `in situ', close under the hedge which marks the line of the old highway through Trewint village'. The stone may or may not be in situ but has remained in that position. It is possible, but not certain, that this is the cross-base listed without description by Langdon' [Langdon/1896, 422].

Dimensions:0.95 x 0.73 x 0.0 (Okasha/1993)
Setting:in ground
Okasha/1993, 315: `The stone is now in the ground and partially beneath a hedge at Saw-Pits, Trewint. It lies at the junction where a track to the left leaves the A30 Bodmin to Launceston Road, at the north end of Trewint village'.
Macalister/1949, 176: `It is in the usual form, of a massive rectangular block of stone, with a deep square mortice sunk in the upper surface for receiving the cross-base'.

Okasha/1993, 315: `The stone is a complete cross-base with no carving...Only the top face of the base is now visible and it measures 95 cm. in height, by 73 cm. in width; the socket-hole measures 37 by 35 cm'.

Condition:complete , good
CISP: The stone is badly weathered, but otherwise appears undamaged.
Decorations:no other decoration





Okasha, E. (1986):[--]
Okasha/1993 315 reading only


Position:n/a ; top ; n/a ; undecorated
Macalister/1945, 467: `on one side of the margin between the socket for the cross-shaft and the edge of the stone'.
Date:800 - 1099 (Okasha/1993)
Okasha/1993, 316: `The stone, if it was inscribed, belongs to Category 2b, inscribed cross-bases. Category 2 stones date from the ninth to the eleventh century but this stone cannot be closely dated. Andrew suggested that it was in fact of late medieval date'.
Language:Indeterminate (ind)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:Okasha/1993, 315: `now illegible text...[and therefore] no further description of it is possible...Ellis suggested that the stone might be inscribed in capitals but offered no reading. Andrew rejected this theory: `with a little imagination one could read `...iri...' in minuscules. I feel sure, however, that this is fortuitous and not a true inscription'.
Macalister/1949, 176: `It is evidently much disintegrated, and could never be deciphered at all from even the best photographs or rubbings'.

Okasha/1993, 177: `There are some slight markings on one side of the visible face of the stone. It may be that these are the remaining traces of now illegible text'.

Carving errors:0

