Corpus Refs:Macalister/1949:995
Discovery:first mentioned, 1808 Meyrick, S.
History:Westwood/1879, 143: `This stone, first figured by Sir S. Meyrick [1808] (Cardiganshire, Pl.

VII. fig. 3), was moved by him from Tregaron to Goodrich Court, where it is still preserved in the wall of the chapel, and the two accompanying figures are drawn from rubbings made by Professor Rhys'.

Macalister/1949, 141, states that he saw the stone at Goodrich court `shortly before their removal to Cardiff'.

Thomas/WG/1994, 416, states that the stone was moved to the National Museum in Cardiff in 1935.

Geology:Nash-Williams/1950, 104: `Local grit stone'.
Dimensions:0.65 x 0.2 x 0.1 (converted from Macalister/1945)
Setting:in display
Location:National Museum of Wales (Cat: 35.618/2)
Thomas/WG/1994, 416, states that the stone is now in the National Museum, Cardiff.
Macalister/1949, 141: `Portion of a slab...tapering'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 104: `Roughly quadrangular pillar-stone (? top partly fractured away on r.). 25" h. x 6--8" w. x 4 1/2" t.'.

Condition:incomplete , good
Nash-Williams/1950, 104: `? top partly fractured away on r.'.
Crosses:1: latin; outline; expanded; plain; curved; none; outer curv; angular; decorated
Decorations:boss; geometric other; other

Westwood/1879, 143: `One side of the stone is ornamented with two crosses of the maltese form, whilst the other bears an inscription in characters...preceded by a cruciform ornament and followed by crossed bars. The frame which bears the inscription measures 14 inches long by 4 inches wide'.

Macalister/1949, 141: `On one of the broad surfaces there is a cross, and on the edge on the dexter side of this face there is an inscription. The cross has broad arms, slightly hollowed, with a pellet in the centre and surmounted by a ring approximating to the shape of a rectangle with rounded corners. Above is a sunk triangle on the dexter side, and no doubt there was another, now chipped away, on the sinister. Below is a V-shaped stem, and there are faint traces of other marks further down...The inscription... [is] followed by ornaments which can best be understood by glancing at the diagram. It should be noticed that the device at the top is not a saltire, but two ><-marks meeting, angle to angle'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 104--106: `The stone bears carved and incised decoration on two faces, and is also inscribed. Front. The decoration is disposed vertically: (a) moulded triangular panel (? originally double or triple); (b) squarish ring-cross, with small central boss, straight or faintly tapering arms, sunk angular interspaces, moulded ring, and a short incised pointed stem or spike below (Fig. 5, 39). Left. The decoration is disposed vertically as before: (a) carved cruciform panel (Fig. 5,33); (b) narrow vertical incised panel containing an inscription...(c) square of incised grid- or chequer-pattern (Fig. 5, 35), an exceptional motif. Back and Right. Plain'.



TGARN/1/1     Pictures


Macalister, R.A.S. (1949):ENEVIRI
Macalister/1949 141 reading only
Nash-Williams, V.E. (1950):ENEVERI (This is a 'typo' as his plate clearly shows ENEVIRI).
(The stone) of Enevir (PN).
Nash-Williams/1950 106, Fig. 105 reading only


Orientation:vertical down
Position:n/a ; narrow ; below cross ; panel
Nash-Williams/1950, 104--106: `(b) narrow vertical incised panel containing an inscription (Fig. 105) in one line reading vertically downwards'.
Nash-Williams/1950, 106: `lightly picked'.
Date:600 - 899 (Nash-Williams/1950)

600 - 799 (Jackson/1953)
Language:name only (rbook)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:Westwood/1879, 143: `characters precisely like those on St. David's leaningstaff at Llandewi brefi, which is to be read ENEVIRI...the letters being 3 inches high'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 106; `Round half-uncials[1] lightly picked in good style. Some of the letters show slight clubbing of the uprights. (e.g. N, V, I). The letters VI are conjoined.

[1] The distinctive form of the N, with downward prolongation of the first stroke, can be fairly closely paralleled in the Book of Kells and the Lindisfarne Gospels'.

Carving errors:0

