Corpus Refs:Macalister/1945:398
Discovery:non-arch dig, 1904 workmen
History:Allen/1905, 70: `The discovery of an inscribed stone at Treflys was first reported to the Editor by Mr. E. Alfred Jones, and the present account has been compiled from the information subsequently received from Mr. T. E. Morris, Local Secretary for Carnarvonshire, and Mr. Harold Hughes, A.R.I.B.A., of Bangor'.

Rhys/1907, 92--93: `In October, 1904, I received a letter from Mr. Charles E. Breese, of Portmadoc...I quote the following words from it: `A find of considerable interest has been made near the old church of Treflys, which, you may remember, stands about midway between here and Criccieth, in fairly close proximity to the sea. Some six weeks ago, some workmen engaged in removing on the west of the church the boundary wall enclosing the graveyard on that side, in order to make room for an extension; and at a depth of about 1 ft. 3 ins. or 1 ft. 8 ins. from the surface, and forming part of the foundation of the wall, they came across an inscribed stone. I send you a rubbing which I have taken of it, and also a very rude sketch-plan of the locale'.

The inscribed stone was discovered in September last by two workmen, who were employed by the Rev. Canon Lloyd Jones, of Criccieth, to pull down the wall of the churchyard at Treflys for the purpose of extending the area available for burials. The stone was found built into the foundations of the western wall of the churchyard, nearly opposite the western entrance doorway of the church. It has now been placed inside the church'.

Macalister/1945, 372, and Nash-Williams/1950, 93, both state that the stone is now against the north wall of the nave.

Geology:Rhys/1907, 93, quoting letter from Mr. Breese: `The of the blue-slate type peculiar to this country'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 93: `Local blue slate'.

Dimensions:1.33 x 0.36 x 0.2 (converted from Macalister/1945)
Location:on site
In the parish church against the north wall of the nave where it was placed in 1904 or 1905.
Allen/1905, 70: `The monument is an undressed pillar of nearly rectangular shape, 4 ft. 6 ins. long by 9 ins. wide by 8 ins. thick. It no doubt originally stood vertically, the portion at the bottom, which is plain, being buried in the ground to the depth of about 1ft. 6ins. to 2ft'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 93: `Rough pillar stone'.

Condition:complete , good
Rhys/1907, 93, quoting letter from Mr. Breese: `The stone is perfect, and the incisions upon it in a very excellent state of preservation. The stone is only very slightly chipped at the bottom end'.

Macalister/1945, 372, notes that the left hand edge has been chipped, `as though to destroy an Ogham'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 93, states that the damage is `along the...right-hand angle of the face'.

Crosses:1: latin; linear; straight; bifid; inc; none; none; none; n/a

RomillyAllen/1905, 71--72, discusses the chi-rho monogram, noting that there are few examples, that they show a chronological development, and that this example is most similar to those at Doiden Headland and Southill, both in Cornwall.

Macalister/1945, 373: `The surmounted by a chi-rho monogram with horizontal transom'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 93: `Latin inscription...preceded by the Chi-Rho (Fig. 3.3) in its later form (with open loop and straight cross bar)'.



TFLYS/1/1     Pictures


Allen, R. (1904):IACONVSF/IL/IMIN{I} | IACIT
Allen/1905a 70--71 reading only
(Here) lies Iaconus (PN), son of Min (PN).
Rhys/1907 93 reading only
Macalister, R.A.S. (1945):IACONVSF/IIMIN{I} | IACIT
Macalister/1945 373 reading only
Nash-Williams, V.E. (1950):IACONVSF/IL/I/V/SMIN{I} | IACIT
Jaconus (PN), son of Minus (PN) (?Minius), lies (here).
Nash-Williams/1950 93 reading only


Orientation:vertical down
Position:inc ; broad ; below cross ; undivided
The text runs vertically down the broad face of the stone below the chi-rho monogram.
Macalister/1945, 373: `The inscription has been chiselled'.
Date:500 - 599 (Nash-Williams/1950)

500 - 599 (Allen/1905)
Language:Latin (rcaps)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:Allen/1905, 71: `All the letter are capitals except the s at the end of the first name, which is of miniscule shape'.

Rhys/1907, 93: `the S is of the tall gamma type; the F has the first I of filius attached to its lower bar, while the lius is represented by a sort of combination, which may be described as r [r = graphic inserted which looks like an upside-down capital L], making an L upside down, to be read as li: then a sort of arm sloping upwards (from the middle of the perpendicular r) towards the right provides a V, while the arm and the lower half of the perpendicular yields an r [S]. Thus I regard the word as meant to be read FILIVr [S], which is the case required'.

Macalister/1945, 373: `The FI of FII is ligatured. The engraver omitted the L, and seems also to have left out the S at the end of the first name -- confused perhaps by the similarity of the half-uncial S (r) to F (f). He was able to squeeze the missing S into the narrow space which he had left, but made no attempt to rectify the other omission. A later hand endeavoured to do so by scratching a line, more or less horizontal, running to the middle of the second I of FII. There is no HIC'.

Nash-Williams/1950, 93: `Roman capitals with half-uncial S and horizonatal final -I. The second word is presumably an abbreviation for FILIVS'.

The text appears to have been quite legible with the exception of the word `FII', `FILI', or `FILIVS' which is badly carved as noted by Macalister/1945, 373; Nash-Williams/1950, 93; Allen/1905, 71.
Carving errors:1

