Corpus Refs:none
Discovery:first mentioned, 1866 Stuart, J.
History:Forsyth/1996, 480: `discovered in the former churchyard of Scoonie, Fife. It was taken first to the church of nearby Leven, before being gifted to the National Antiquities Museum by the Heritors and Kirk Session of the parish of Scoonie in April 1866'.
Geology:Allen/Anderson/1903, 347: `sandstone'.
Dimensions:1.06 x 0.7 x 0.1 (Forsyth/1996)
Setting:in display
Location:National Museum of Scotland (Cat: NMS Cat No. IB 110.)
Forsyth/1996, 480: `National Antiquities Museum'.
Allen/Anderson/1903, 347: `It is an upright slab of sandstone, of nearly rectangular shape'.
Condition:incomplete , poor
Forsyth/1996, 481: `Portions missing from the top and probably also from the bottom. Front severely weathered, reverse better preserved'.

Allen/Anderson/1903, 347: `sculptured partly with incised lines and partly in relief (and inscribed in Oghams) on two faces thus (fig. 360)--

Front.-- A cross of shape No. 102A (?). The details shown in Stuart's Sculptured Stones of Scotland have entirely disappeared.

Back.-- A figure-subject consisting of (at the top of the slab) the elephant symbol having its body ornamented with conventional spirals; (below this) a horseman hunting a stag with a hound, his spear sticking in the stag's side; and two other horsemen with spears, and a large dog, all apparently forming part of the same scene'.

Forsyth/1996, 481--482: `According to Allen the cross on the front has an elongated shaft and round hollow angles, the most common cross-form in Pictish sculpture (his form 102a). .. Allen says that the details indicated in Stuart's drawing `have entirely disappeared'. The period between Stuart's drawing and the slab's entry into the protection of the museum is too short for the degree of weathering implied, therefore Stuart's details must be considered suspect'.



SCNIE/1/1     Pictures


Allen, R. (1903):EDDARRNONN
Allen/Anderson/1903 347 reading only
Forsyth, K. (1996):EDDARRNONN
Forsyth/1996 484--486 reading only


Orientation:vertical up
Position:n/a ; broad ; n/a ; undivided
Forsyth/1996, 483: `The ogham inscription is carved on a stem-line which gently undulates up the reverse face of the cross-slab close to and parallel with the right-hand edge'.
Date:None published
Language:name only (oghms)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:Forsyth/1996, 486: `The Scoonie text is carved in a simple Type Iia ogham, with a drawn-in stem-line and long vowel-strokes occupying virtually the full ogham band. Unless the hammer-head A on the left is accepted, and it remains doubtful, there are no supplementary letters or other developed features. The psacing of the strokes is fairly generous, except for [letter] 9 which is squeezed into the space before the stag's muzzle, but the letters are mostly rather close. The gap between successive letters of the same aicme is less than a stroke's worth, and between successive letters of the different aicimi only marginally more than between component strokes of a single letter. The slope on m-aicme strokes is not great. Some b- and h-aicme letters are perpendicular others - 2, 3, and 9 - are sloped (in the case of the latter perhaps due to lack of space). In palaeographical terms the closest parallels mey be drawn with the script of Brandsbutt. Ackergill is similar but has shorter vowel strokes'.
Forsyth/1996, 484: `All the lettering is clear, and, unusually enough, there is no doubt whatsoever over the reading'.
Carving errors:0

