Corpus Refs:Okasha/Forsyth/2001:Innisfallen 1
Discovery:first mentioned, 1995 Sheehan, J.
History:Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 157: `The stone was first noticed by John Sheehan of University College Cork, and is discussed and illustrated in an unpublished MA thesis by Weaver ... It is not mentioned in any previous written sources and was not recorded by the OPW during the course of its work on the island between 1929 and 1931'.
Geology:Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 158: `sandstone'.
Dimensions:0.25 x 0.15 x 0.03 (Okasha/Forsyth/2001)
Setting:in struct
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 157: `The carved stone is built into the Abbey church of the ruined Augustiniana Monastery on Innisfallen Island, Lough Leane. It is in the north splay of the central baulk of the interior face of the east window'.
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 158: `a small fragment of a sandstone cross-slab'.
Condition:frgmntry , poor
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 158: `It has suffered severe damage and is broken on all four edges. A large area of the surface has broken off along the right side'.
Crosses:1: equal-armed; linear; straight; expanded; plain; circular; none; none; plain

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 158: `The upper half of the fragment is occupied by the remains of an ncised linear cross, enclosed in a circular frame of diameter 15.5 cm. The cross is equal-armed with a short perpendicular bar at each terminal'.





Okasha and Forsyth (1998):[--]D
Okasha/Forsyth/2001 159 reading only
Okasha and Forsyth (1998):F[--
Okasha/Forsyth/2001 159 reading only


Position:n/a ; broad ; below cross ; undivided
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 158: `If this is part of an inscription then the text appears to have been arranged in a curve round the cross, as on the similar monument from Cloghinch [CLGHI/1]. The large gap to the left of the letter indicates that it is either the first or last letter of the text. If the slab were turned 90 degrees then the text would run round the top or bottom of the slab'.

CISP: The published illustrations do not suggest a circular layout for the lettering.

Date:600 - 699 (Okasha/Forsyth/2001)
Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 159: `seventh century'.
Language:Indeterminate (rbook)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 158: `The script used is probably half-uncial and the letter H. is 8 cm'.

CISP: If the letter is an F, it is in a majuscule or capitalis form. It is angular unlike many of the half-uncial Fs seen elsewhere in Kerry such as at Illauntannig [ITNNG/1], Ardfert [ARDF1/1] or Church Island [LCURN/1/2]. On the other hand the F on the alphabet inscription from Kilmalkedar [KMKDR/2/2] is similar in form to this one, including the raised angle of the upper 'horizontal' stroke.

Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 158: `The carving is of F-shaped form with the right tips of its two horizontal strokes and the bottom of its vertical stroke lost at the broken edges of the stone'.
Carving errors:0

